Trading post content are terrible

It’s pretty cool that you can just skip it then if it doesn’t meet your exacting aesthetic standards.

I’ll be enjoying several of the offerings this month.

More for the rest of us, I guess.


This was my same complaint. All of this maintenance, servers down half the day, for a catalogue of items that look like generic quest greens.

If this appeals to someone please explain why because I don’t get it

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I don’t mind it, (essentially) free stuff for playing the game, some of it’s crap though, I do agree.

That’s weird… I remember paying $25 about 12 years ago for the Celestial mount…

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Next month the rewards will be gardening tool mogs. Oh wait…we already have those in DF. lol

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Give it a couple months.

You’ll have statted gear and mounts available at an extra $25 apiece soon enough. Gotta dangle the carrot for a little bit to get people hooked first.


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Yeah, I was a little underwhelmed by the trading post. It sounded so good but honestly didn’t hit the mark. The items this month are very meh. I was also expecting to be able to earn more trading post currency some how, you know, to just get all the meh items anyway. I was looking forward for something else to do and hopefully something to being me back to the old kingdoms. This was a good idea that just kind of flopped out the gate. Hopefully they build on it though because it could be super awesome.

Do people realize, this is just another of blizzard’s darts on the wall?

Remember guild leveling? Abandoned.

Remember Archeology? Abandoned…

The list could go on… but you get my point. They just make things, then abandon them for the next great idea, just to start all over again.

I don’t like the rewards therefor the rewards aren’t good.

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I agree that this could be very cool but the initial kick off of it to me was just “meh”. Not how I would think they would want to release it. Maybe it will get better but I aint holding my breath or anything here.

Don’t give them ideas!

the word ‘content’ is so annoying now. everything is ‘content’, even though saying it adds no actual value to the title, it would be just the same if you said ‘trading post sucks’.

It’s a free system to get transmog, pets, etc. from playing the game. People will complain about anything. If this upsets you that bad, please go take a breath of fresh air.


It’s a nice extra thing to look forward to every month and actually sort of renews the sense of achievement points by rewarding us by playing different types of content.

I like it.


I like the staff and the cloak that wraps around, it’s cool to have not all Huge hits… folks will go crazy not being able to get all the stuff they want every month. You’ll never be happy when you’re only satisfied with getting what you feel you desire.


Never understood this either. Torghast would be premium solo content now that the mandatory soul-draining grind it was associated with is non-existent

Warfronts were a decent experiment that could probably work if it was refined more

So many systems that took thousands of dev hours thrown away constantly


if you go the the rock that’s dead center in the middle of the twisting nether, /pray, and jump off, it will fix that.

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You literally have to stay invested, the only thing the devs actually worked on, is how much time sink they can get from the players per month.

We’ve been able to play the game just fine for years, but everything has been put behind a gate to artificially keep you coming back daily/weekly.

Some people want to burn content, and enjoy other things, not have to have to do something because at the end of the month I can get a pink scarf, or store mount that was 1000 times better than an achievement mount.

Seems like people just want to log in and collect their bonus coins, or do dailies for items that are just there so you don’t get mad that they will be added to the store for a couple of bucks in your subscription game.

are you crazy, i don’t want to fix it. i want to look like this forever

It wasn’t even marketed as all new gear each month, they literally said it’d be old stuff primarily. They wanted to give players a change to obtain old/rare gear from previous expansions.

I for one am very content with how it turned out, and have already done all my tasks, got the mount and every item I wanted to purchase. Which left me with 500 points.

No content in the game is meant for everyone, but don’t throw out false accusations. They gave what was marketed, and that’s what you should have expected.