Trading post content are terrible

I assume so, that’s why I’m not down on it. They’re some great items in there for someone. The only really iffy one is the dagger. I’m pretty sure that just drops in the nexus or off malygos or something. :unamused:

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Good. Let the employees suffer no more. I wouldn’t dare want to be in their shoes trying to maintain this balance hell and game alone when knowing nobody can be pleased anymore. As much as I liked WoW I wouldn’t want to see this game being zombie steered without passion or actual heart being put into it. I don’t know the situation they are in but if we are paying for subs and getting more and more maintenance and the product becomes more and more glitchy and buggy even if we addressed such problems in the PTRs it kind of makes me think there is something going on. Whoever is pulling the strings is doing something wrong. I try my best to look at both sides of the spectrum since looking it only in my perspective would be unjust. Sometimes I think to myself maybe the employees are burnt out and have no initiative anymore since they started? Maybe they are understaffed? It honestly makes me think. They should just let the game go. There is no way they can draw new players in as that card has ran dry for years. They are holding the basket with remaining players and very very few new players. I’m not a Doomer but it is hard to not believe this game is sinking. Not just because the trading post but the gears that have been holding WoW together have been getting progressively worse. Yes the the team is trying and I think they do some good but the bad aspects pop up more consistently. Sadly. I wouldn’t want them to milk a dead cow or a diseased cow any longer. For the sake of well quite frankly, everyone.

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Hey dear Blizzard. I have been playing your game since WoTLK. We have experienced numerous raid bosses, tiers and fun content .
However this trading post is slap on the cheek. I don’t know who are the people making decisions on what to put for monthly rewards, but I will tell you now I am not grinding for a year to get Maeve transmog set.
Why do you have employed people choosing bad looking cosmetics that we will be wearing playing your content?
I think I speak on behalf of majority of players. Create a poll each month and give us an option to choose what we want for next rewards.
There are lich king tier set that everyone wants, you can make deathwing appearance for highland drake. Frostmourne, Invincible , Ashes, Mimirons head that could be recoloured.
How about aspects gear transmog? How about original Zulian tiger mount?
For once , start asking community and not a team of people who will think their rewards will be appreciated, because they are not.

I find Trading post is fine, It dose give you something to do on your toons.

Its never enough…


Im just wondering what about it makes it a trading post. Its just another currency/vendor.


The meltdowns would be worth.


just wait until they announce the battle pass. that’s where the good stuff’ll be. :wink:

A matter of opinion I guess, could they have rolled out more stuff? Yeah but relax its just the beginning. Talk down if months go by and the offer the same stuff. This is better than the Black Market AH for sure, Peace


There’s nothing on the TP that I want. Flail is okay I guess but the characters I have that would use it already have better weapon mogs anyway.

On the other hand, who cares. Did anyone really think this was gonna be “content” that would give you something new to do? We’ll all get the currency passively just playing.

Nothing good this month? Whatever guess I’ll just save them and see what comes up next month. Its not like it involves any effort.


If you don’t like it, don’t participate in it. It’s not mandatory content by any means.


Well they can’t

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are you implying that the trading post was added to keep us subbed? The whole monthly thing can be done in a few hours. Also a lot of us don’t think it’s crappy. Not to mention it’s the first month we have no clue what they might add. Y’all are way too hard to please.


Was waiting for the “IT SUCKS” post, was not disappointed.



i thought this was obvious. it was made even more obvious when they added the 12-month long achievement with the really cool, long-awaited for warden mog tied to it, so you have to log in for 12 months to get it

i still like the idea and hope they keep adding cool stuff, but it is very obviously made to get people to sub for their MAU reports


Wait. You are telling me a game company is making a product that they want us to play? And that if we play, we can unlock cosmetics? I am outraged sir.


Free garbage is still garbage. I was unimpressed with the selection of items available. I like xmogs, but nothing really stood out to me. Hot pink cloaks, flowers, and tiny hammers yay!


obviously everything they add to an MMO is designed to keep you interested. i’m saying though, that this is basically FOMO content - even if someone doesnt want to play the game, they see something cool that’s in the trading post this month and they say “oh man i need to sub to get that”

i’m not complaining about it, just pointing it out for what it is

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They put the ZG tiger mount in there, I will change my mind on the trading post. Until then, I prob wont care too much about it any longer. I farmed that damn thing to death and never saw it drop but once (and lost the roll)

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you’re just seeing it through negative dark sunglasses. How do we seriously know the mentality wasn’t more like “hey maybe let’s reward the people that we know are gonna be subbed anyways”. We can say it’s all about greed, but we could always try looking at it from another perspective. The big boss doesn’t always have to be bad.


i’m seeing it through realistic sunglasses. lol

actually i’m not seeing much of anything right now because my character is made of lasers