Trading post ..and mogs in general

They tried flagging it but the mods have been on point seeing through their petty crap.

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Speaking as a female who will buy anything that is purple even if I don’t actually use it, I have to agree with the guys on this one. There has been too much frilly/cute stuff on the trading post the last few months. There needs to be a balance between cute and dark.

I can say that I have seen guys wearing what would be considered “girly” transmog and they have made it look really rather cool, but we all know the majority of males would much rather have darker themed mogs.

I get that Blizzard kinda themes the trading post with holidays that occur during the month, and since Easter is in April, we will probably be seeing cute mog stuff next month as well.

I think it would be better to do at least 1 set that doesn’t have wings, lace or sparkles each month.


i wish we had more… i dunno, WoD-esque transmogs. with spikes, slate, and metal, that’s clearly been welded together.

…and barring that, ragnaros-y stuff. or burning-legion-y stuff!

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well that’s good. The developers probably want feedback from everyone, since that’s how you idk, make a better game.

Glad to know they’re cracking down on that. :heart_hands:

As a manly man guy, I don’t mind it. I like dressing up my toons. I want more thigh-highs, armor based (like leather thigh highs with a bunch of straps or steampunk corset with like moving gears, maybe some vampire themed mogs. As for the wings, they need to be bigger and glow. I also want more class themed mogs in the trader post. For example, hunter, big loincloth, armor made from skins, leaves, with straps, Glowing horns headdress also.

Where? Where am “I” specifically “complaining”? Show me in my post.

As a reminder, this is the actual definition of a ‘complaint’, not what someone’s ‘truth’ says it means.

Complain: (Merriam-Webster)

  1. To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.
  2. To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge; file a complaint.

I pointed out that some people are intolerant of other people’s views when they do not align with their own.
In that regard your post, and it’s aggressive stylings; does much to corroborate the sentiment I laid out.

Ur is not a word either for the record.

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Let’s be real. Hello Kitty Island Adventure has some masculine customizations. I could kind of make my character look like a guy.

Actually completely agree with this post…


Honestly that is a good comparison I’ll need to remember that.

my apologies for jumping on you specifically when my irritation is primarily with op and the multudinous threads I see like this when the new month rolls around. (which is entirely unnecessary. keep everything in one thread. I don’t see loads of “give worgen tails” threads. people need to stop flooding the message boards with the same bloody topic. that’s generally considered spam, which, iirc, IS against board rules.)

because I’m bloody well sick of it and there’s no bloody call for it. I’ve played the game off and on since tbc and when they introduced transmogs, I didn’t have the option to make outfits I really wanted. there were options for things I found decent, or neat, but not what I WANTED to make, at least for my dudes. and I never made entire threads dedicated to this. people liked it, and that’s cool. it doesn’t have to cater to me to still be good.

then I come back after an extended hiatus and suddenly they have exactly what I wanted and it’s even easy for me to get. but I see a ton of topics from people saying this is too much for them and it shouldn’t be this way. often occompanied by passive aggressive (or occasionally straight up aggressive) comments like “Just making sure y’all still know that with the way the world is going on diversity and equity etc.” (as if to imply that “the way it’s going” is somehow bad or something. we should not be complaining about equity.)

but btw, “ur” is common internet slang. and is in fact a word on it’s own. Ur used to be an important city-state. that’s not relevent to the post, but it is an actual word.

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I came looking to see if any one else was unhappy about the choices, recently. I agree 100% with this. I am an older woman and have been playing for more than 10 years. I play a female character, but do NOT want butterfly wings and pink crap. That seems to be stuff my 5 year old granddaughter would like but not me. So yes, let’s makes sure the choices are evenly divided between masculine and feminine things and not ask who is wanting what. Safer that way :slight_smile:

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Just got the pearlescent monthly reward, love it. It looks good with the elite pvp version of the mage tier set from season 1


You sure are bloody a lot. You should get that looked at

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it’s on account of not being able to swear as much as I’d like to, so I use the British minced oath instead. I’m sure you’ve heard someone use the word in such a context before.

It’d be nice if we could but no we have to be respectful, have to be polite and civil.

yeah how dare youhave to follow societys rules.

While I don’t care for marches line up what’s really not making me want to do the quests for the months reward is the fact they are just pallet swaps of existing cosmetic sets or even mounts. It’s been like this for like 2 months now maybe 3? That’s the real killer for me. I just wish they had more unique monthly rewards.

I mentioned in another post that I have no substantive complaints about the visuals of what’s in the trading post this month. However, the aesthetic and color pallets have been overused for the last 3 months, lots of purples, pinks and pastel colors.

Halloween mogs were in October, Christmas mogs where in December. Valentines Day has taken up January, February, and March. January’s mogs are already back in the store. I see another month coming up that will be spring/easter theme that will use the same colors and aesthetic.

I think these things should be available, but other ideas, themes, and color pallets should be available too.

Agreed one hundred percent. This month is by far the weakest trading post that I have seen and I’ve seen each one since the very first Trading Post.

More variety please, enough with the ‘Love is in the Air’ or Romance/Fairy themes every month.

This is World of Warcraft, which is based on and a successor to Warcraft 1, 2, and 3, please remember this when creating these trading post items.

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This is because we only just started to even actually get pink items in the game at all. If you look back on all the items before like Dragonflight there’s only a handful of items that come in pink.

Here’s a thread about it: