Trading post ..and mogs in general

Listen, I’m going to try to say this in as good a way as I can without trying to catch a forum ban (might fail tho)

What’s up with literally nearly every trading post and transmog source lately being butterflies, wings, pink, purple, etc.

Listen like I get it, you wanted some girliness in the game. But honestly it’s starting to feel a lot less like World of Warcraft and a lotlre like World of RomanceNovelCraft

Can we at least get a 50/50 split on some super manly badA mogs and some girly ones?

Not all of us men who play wow are effeminate. Just making sure y’all still know that with the way the world is going on diversity and equity etc.

I say this with zero “hate speech” and just disappointment with how girly everything in this game is becoming. It’s literally like hello kitty island dress up.


You will accept your pink butterfly wings and like them!


Capital cities starting to look like a pajama party out here, it’s silly


Paladin not liking pink?

A what now?



I think it would be great to see an even mix of the girly transmogs and more manly transmogs, but I do have to say that the fairy stuff on the traders post has been some of my favorite transmogs added to this game, ever.


If you can’t put together a manly transmog with the options that exist and which they continue to add that’s a skill issue


the Red Sword is fire, but the rest of the March lineup isn’t my style.

so i’ll be saving my tendies this month, I guess.

and to be fair, pretty much every transmog they’ve added in the actual 11.1 content update is “manly” type stuff. So I got no problem with the Trading Post being girly fairy stuff. I’ve got plenty of options for my transmog already.


Like, don’t get me wrong, I kinda like the odd pretty thing

I own like all the butterfly wings we got but like

Man, it really has just been mostly cute stuff for a while


I appreciate a savings month, gotta have something for everyone. I personally love the plain looking mogs and weapons myself which I know others hate.

Hopefully we will see less feminine mogs in future TP to balance things out with modern tmogs. However, to be fair, there are still more ‘edgy’ ‘cool’ ‘brutish’ mogs in WoW than girly sparkle ones due to the older mog sets.

As long as we keep getting high quality mogs I’ll take it.


I haven’t seen anything that’s grabbed me enough to actually spend them on. Think I’m up to 5000 after only 3 months or something. Haven’t looked in awhile.

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…someone get an AI generated smutty romance novel cover with goblins!


I spent most of mine on stuff from the extra vendors in Dornogal, the ones that are going away on the 1st.

there was a bunch of “manly” things on those vendors that nobody ever mentioned on these forums because they couldn’t be performatively outraged enough over them.

so I appreciate a month or two to build my tendie stash back up.


I’ve always thought transmog in general would be more interesting to women anyway. I don’t know, it’s basically just playing dress up with dolls. So “girly” mogs makes intuitive sense to me.


Dude the new pets from February trading post have full character emotes and can carry weapons.

Use a magical pet mirror and you can become this.

If furry CHUCKIE isn’t dark enough for you, I dunno what to say. Because this is pretty terrifying.

Thank god there’s no clown transmog.


I would enjoy a fel theme. I want Gul’dans stuff to make a come back.


I just want more clothing options that look like something a person would actually wear. I have really liked some of the “normal-looking” options they gave us, and I’d like to see more of that.

I know people love their sparklies and their spikes, but I am really just…neither. I like boring brown boots and boring brown gloves that don’t mess up the shape of the shirt cuffs. I like plain trousers that look like a person could wear them without accidentally opening an artery.

I know. I’m so boring, but nevertheless…

I’d like to see Anduin’s wrap and chest pieces that look like belted tunics with quilted leather jackets.

They’ve given us a few things like that lately, and I appreciate them. Some of the gem-purchased sets have been really great for my preferences. When I saw that bow that was just a plain, well-rendered wooden bow, I was SO happy. There are a few good, plain things, but I want more.


Can they? My photoshop sense is tingling at that image. Might just be the weird highlight of the flame effect on those sickles, but that definitely looks shopped.

Try it yourself, it works.

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Play a dk. Every set is about as manly mannish as they get lol. Except one season had some really ugly stuff for everyone.


Bold of you to assume that men that admire beauty are “effeminate”.