Trading post ..and mogs in general

Nothing. Because it isn’t “literally nearly every trading post.” It’s like… two or three months where some or most is such things.

Anyone post the Blizz article for you explaining this is a creative outlet? Do we really need to go through the whole “you’ve got thousands of mogs in game to go get, the Post is a tiny amount of fun things and you’ll survive” again?

Sounds like a you problem. Not a game problem.


You people need to deal with your own personal problems without trying to bring this bs male chauvinist stuff into the game.



Geebus, people… two months in a row of Valentine’s Day and Spring and y’all lose your collective “testosterone” minds. :roll_eyes:

Y’all need to get a grip. Go farm transmog. Leave the Trading Post alone. Stop trying to ruin the couple of fun months out of TWELVE for the rest of us. Selfish, entitled… the list goes on.



Sendryn, there is nothing wrong with asking for more variety and it’s not selfish to do so.

most people playing today have never played wc 1 or 2.

The variety comes from the Trading Post offering romance/fairy themes. You have the entire rest of the game for everything that isn’t that.

You don’t want variety, you want domination.


i want floaties for the trading post. is that so wrong?

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I restarted playing about this time last year. When i learned about the trading post I checked it out. It had a number of items that featured, pinks, purples and pastels as their primary colors.

Not to mention tier gear as far back as vanilla also featured pastel color schemes.

Again, I’m fine with them being in there, but maybe they should stretch it out and sprinkle it throughout the year instead of all at once.

It’s one of the only places you can get gear in one specific color. They rarely make gear in the entire rest of the game that comes in the color pink. You have the entire rest of the game to get gear that isn’t pink.

They have to make up for 20+ years of only having 5 pieces of gear in the game that come in pink. Deal with it.

i want to see some sort of big inflatable raft mount. not gonna lie im kinda drunk.

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You are aware the primary colors for this month are white, purple and red, right?

I’m looking at them right now.

It’s a lot of purple, red, white and gold, with little pink.

Again, the Trading post has had loads of Pastels and bright friendly colors in the past as well gear having those color schemes going back to Vanilla. So, no we don’t need to play catch up with those colors.

You’re not wrong to ask for more pink. I’m not wrong to ask for more variety.

Having more pink is having more variety because there have only been ~5 items that come in the color pink for 20+ years.

When it’s the only thing available in the post, that’s the opposite of variety.

And no, it hasn’t been lacking for 20 years, you just haven’t been paying attention. The Love Witch set was available on the Trading post 2 years ago. Januarys set, that’s back on the trading post btw, is a recolor of that set. The pink festival robes have been available in the game since Vanilla.

Thats just off the top of my head, and that’s more than “5 items”

Mix it in with other stuff. It’s not that hard or demanding of a request.

No you haven’t. I linked a post about it right up there if you wanna look for yourself.

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I am all for this

Split the items between masculine and feminine but keep the monthly reward neutral (and cool).

Now that I don’t need a color-coded outfit for Mythic Silken Court anymore, I’m back in my diving suit.

Which came from the trading post, btw.

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The content is full of masculine stuff. The mogs I’ve been getting for my goblin just doing quests have exhausts, moving blades, sparks, metal - they’re masculine as all get out. Trading post is the only way to get feminine stuff, I dig it for the one alt I have that wears girly stuff.

Blizzard has consistently looked at how to distribute resources across the game, not just in one category of gameplay. You’re being given options, more masculine than feminine, they are just from different sources. You’re just not looking at the big picture.


Ummm… that’s not democracy.


no, no… I like the way u think

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you’re a paladin, no matter what you do, you wont be super manly badA. because all paladins are virgins :slight_smile:

That’s because posts like this are about the Trading Post specifically. It’s pretty easy to “bigger picture” away any kind of commentary but that’s just changing the subject.

Bro, litteraly just made the same general chat so will we both get banned? hahaha. I mean its called world of warcraft, where are the skulls , blood, gore that comes with war!

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