Trading post ..and mogs in general

I don’t think we need to call them “manly” or “girly”. Maybe just “gritty” and “fun”?

I mean, your current transmog is not what I’d call “manly” at all. It’s extremely flamboyant and gaudy. Not an attack, it’s just not… even on the list of things that come to mind when someone uses the word “manly” to refer to an armor set. You’re basically dressed like a frail, inbred child-king at his own coronation.

I agree with the sentiment, though. I enjoy the “fun” transmogs, but I’m also still waiting for the “Vagabond’s Midnight Threads” to make a return to the shop. It’s been an irritating wait so far, as month after month goes by without it showing up again. Fml.


We just had Valentines day and we’re going into spring. So you should be expecting hearts and flowers and “girly” things at the moment.

You’ll be fine.


Honestly, I kind of feel like these are the most uncontroversial releases by far, though. Personally, I wanted TP to at least in part be a place for Blizzard to release NPC sets and weapons for player use, like many of the BFA ones that people have wanted for ages.

As the Trading Post gets a bit older I would like to see Blizzard play around with those themes in more interesting ways, but it’s not as though we have a surplus of cheery and colorful items in the game, so it’s whatever.

The christmas/ or Holiday present wrap weapons was so bad…Like come on man please somebody put the WAR in Warcraft

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When I wear my purple murloc jammies my hunter is always sure to put on the snarl face and RAWR! watch out bad guys!

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personally i am shocked that people dont consider the kul tiran men wearing pink valentines outfits not masculine enough

you gotta be pretty masculine to wear that stuff, not saying they pull it off, but its the thought that counts.

Savings month for sure. Not interested in this continued girly pretty stuff. Or whatever some of you want to call it.

More like savings year for me there’s barely been anything of interest. Maybe 1 or 2 items here or there but honestly makes me wanna stop doing trading post all together.

Literally the only cool thing I can even think of anytime recently was the Halloween harvester set. But even that was a little on the simple side. Could have used some green glowing aura somewhere on the shoulders or what not.

i now demand a hello kitty remix or plunderstorm.

not even kidding.

It’s kinda funny how something new, despite not being the majority, can trigger people. And it happen in any game.

It’s as if suddenly everything back was erased from their memories.

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It’s not. It’s so very good. Granted, I’m a lady, but if gents don’t find that as incredibly funny as I do, it’s not a gender issue…it’s a broken sense of humor issue.

Oh, they pull it off. The sheer chutzpah is charming.

We don’t have enough spikes and chains for you? I mean, I’m all about getting new ones for people (and I am sick to death of the pink skimp mog options, too), but let’s not behave as though we don’t have relic jars full of eyeballs and spiked iron flails as an option…because we do. We have britches with fel fire seeping out of them and shoulder armor that is actually on fire. We have black and red and green and purple sets of death as far as the eye can see.

The little tart witch costume and the adult murloc onesies are still very much in the minority.

What I would personally like to see is the addition of more streamlined black leather clothing for rogue types that is not ninja or pirate themed. Sensible dark leather ensembles that look like something a hired assassin would actually wear that isn’t styled to look like Jack Sparrow or something from a Jackie Chan movie. There is nothing wrong with the ninja-monk fantasy and there is nothing wrong with the pirate fantasy…but we have those. I’d like to see more neutral sets that I could dress my rogue lady toon in that help me make her look like she’s more likely to jump out of the shadows to take out a mark than she is to dance on the tables at a bar.


I always say that the only way that outfit could look any better is on the floor.

Well, not when I’m in line at the bank. But plenty of other times.

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The trading post is usually themed around world events rotating throughout the year. We haven’t invented murderdeathkill season yet because that is happening anywhere once you enter a raid or BG or do most of the world content. If you want your type of xmog, do that content. There are probably 1000s of items fitting your demands.


Add new druid forms to the Trading Post.


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the first few months of the trading post were literally non seasonal themed items like blood troll armor set and darkmoon harlequinn and fel automaton plate

since 2024 the trading post fell off massively

I think it’s time Blizzard experimented with spec skins (or even class skins) and try it out by putting a few on the TP.

I would like to see more things like warlock pet demon skins, hunter pet skins, shaman ghost wolf skins and even druid form skins on the TP.

Blizzard should also consider putting unique looking weapons on the TP, like whips and lances.

The Greeks came along and called the entire region Phoenicia (“the purple people”) because that’s where the snails were harvested and the dye was made.

There is a really great documentary on YouTube about how the dye is made. It’s called Tyrian purple.


The trading post probably comes off more cutesy cause default warcraft doesnt have a other places any of the cutesy stuff can go besides of holidays or out of game events.

Artists and gear designers get an idea for a thing → devs agree thing is cool idea → thing doesnt make sense for class tier, quest gear, pvp set, heritage or lore set → thing becomes holiday item or trading post-> trading post gets saturated with less warcraft-y feeling things.

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