Trading post ..and mogs in general

Maybe, but it’s still worth bringing up after how much bragging companies like Blizzard did about such initiatives. No reason to memory hole it just because it’s (rightly) seen as a bad thing now.

Transmogging is just popular in general I think. Every female player I know loves it, and even the majority of males, even if only in a “something to collect” capacity (though there are many who like playing dress-up too). I do play on a RP server though, but even my friends who don’t still collect. I know since one of them I got to come to old dungeons and summon the pre-Cata bosses with the item you can’t get anymore.

Its not pink!

Its lightish red


Yeah, I understand that it’s super popular. But I’m trying to relate it back to the OPs concerns about “girly” mogs. I think Blizzard must have the sales on this. I sort of agree with him that there are some really cutesy ones that I could never see anyone buy, male or female, but they put them out anyway. They do this, presumably, because someone likes them. So my guess is that there is a statistical correlation between people who like transmogging and people who like the cutesy mogs.

whoa whoa whoa why did my use of a short hand cuss word (which honestly didn’t even dawn on me in the moment) get edited out but this guy’s didn’t!?

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Because anduin hot AF


Anduin looks like a sissy boy. He’s got nothing on his dad in really anything, looks included.


hmm those abs, that beard, which he still had his long hair.

Colorful isn’t girly. In Ye Olden Times, Purple was the color of royalty and loads of Lords and Nobles loved to show off their wealth with their belongings, aka the blinged it tf out, in all manner of colorful, highly decorated attire. Not to mention a sense for dramatic flair.

And you do NOT get to dictate what people get to mog. Maybe you should stay in your Class Hall if other people’s wardrobe is too colorful for you.

EDIT: /uncle’svoice One more thing! March is the start of Spring, it makes sense for entirely optional cosmetics to reflect the season.


If I had to guess, the logic is probably that girly items don’t really “fit” anywhere else, so the Trading Post allows for variety we wouldn’t ordinarily get.

Which I actually fully agree with. It’s not my jam, but as long as we keep getting “badass” designs everywhere else, I think it’s a good way to mix things up.

I WOULD dig a more “badass” items personally, though. I loved the Errant Crusader helm they did a while back, I would love any and all Scourge and/or Runeblade style items.


Oh I would never say that women don´t like to collect stuff, because they truly do. Look at boots, shirts and so on, most women on this board will have a large collection there, while most men have a very limited amount of clothes and accessoires I am sure.

And don´t get me wrong, if someone has a hobby, then go for it. There are also folks that collect guns or Mickey Mouse figures, we have artists in music that dress like 12 years old, despite being 30 years+, it´s just what it is and everyone has the right to express themselves in our society, as long nobody get´s hurt.


I have an issue with the saying that women because they like to collect transmogs, would also enjoy all the pink and hearty stuff. As that surely is not true.

It´s a misconception to assume that women because they are feminine would enjoy a certain design that is often found with children or babys, because their parents think it´s cute.

I like blue, white and black colours, I actually like skulls and yet, belly free stuff and a lot that is coming off the trading post, is not hitting my mark much.

From my point of view, Blizzard is pushing a certain gender ideology here that however, does not reflect the real world much.

Again, some will like it, but it´s becoming a litte bit too dominant and there I agree with the OP.

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Fellas, listen. I know you have a long day on the jobsite welding, or doing cement masonry, but hear me out:

  1. Real men wear suits and smoke cigarettes
  2. I don’t buy or wear any of the weird sailor moon/bullet with butterfly wings stuff, but the idea that the Trading Post isn’t manly enough for you…Have you see the gear in the rest of the game?
  3. Not wanting to wear a dress doesn’t make you insecure. Complaining that 0.01% of the gear in the game is effeminate might mean you’re insecure.

The Trading Post is a fun addon. Every time I see a DK tier set I never think “This game is too Disney.”


I will sleep more soundly at night knowing that you’re out there, somewhere.


Trust me, with this armor on, no you wont.


It’s not the 50’s pal. Most suits don’t use those death sticks. Besides, a bottle of Scotch or Bourbon is way more classy, every day of the week.


Right, but that’s my point. Blizzard probably knows what sells. They put out a lot of this because players buy it. If every player just skipped the cutesy stuff then they would stop putting it out.

Who do you think is more likely to buy the butterfly wings?

Listen. I love Mad Men, and I would have mentioned alcohol but I work with too many people who are sober.

What makes gear “masculine” to you?

What makes it “feminine”?

Could it be that neither really applies and people just like what they like regardless of what label you or others want to apply to it?

I understand not liking the items that have been showing up on the trading post lately but can’t understand why you would label them as feminine/girly. The ones you seem to be objecting to have usually been themed around holidays in my opinion, not around girls.

Asking Blizzard to add more “masculine” options probably won’t accomplish much when what is masculine will vary depending on culture, custom and historic period. Giving examples and adding details about the type of items you’d like to see would be better.


I agree with you,

based on the observations at the major cities a lot of people not only buy these designs, but actually wear them with proud. This is why I said, WOW is turning more into an asian like MMO, where such designs are very common.

As to who these people are that buy this stuff, I don´t know and it´s none of my buisness to judge their money / time spent. It´s a free world after all. :grinning:

That being said, I met a huge Manga fan in Tokyo years ago and we went to an event. A huge amount of people there, did dress like 12 years old manga figures, it was like a different world and they did enjoy that and had fun.

I would even assume that those folks may have been more happy in life, than the average US american is, so kudos to them and their hobby!

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It literally wreaks of FFXIV and Fortnite.