Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

In which case, they will add an additional 16.


So does this mean alot of the trading post stuff will be going up also in price or is this purely for the people who buy every single item and complain about running out?

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Didn’t they recently decrease the number of activities that award tender as well?

I love how people were screamed at and scolded for their negativity when they already suspected back then that this would be coming. The fact that this situation is no surprise at all speaks volumes about how players view Blizzard nowadays.

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1000 coins just for participating in the promotion or something like that?
Obviously, this will be done for the sake of money.
It’s sad when other games use one (maximum 2) types of monetization, when WoW uses everything at all: game purchase, subscription, paid in-game services, paid pets, mounts, transmogs, etc. сosmetics. Gold can also be bought for real money. Getting paid currency for a combat pass was a matter of time.
I really hope I’m wrong, but against the background of mission stubs in OW2 for 15-40 bucks, you don’t expect much else.

The dirtiest thing here is that decisions like this are planned ahead. Which means this was plan all along, introduce trader’s post and then few months later “merge” it with in-game shop. Sure you can get some tokens for free, but when they start putting in some nice old items along with new, you’ll be buying tenders you’re missing.

Well, players kept having a whinge that they didn’t get enough traders tender to afford all the things.

Even though that was the entire point of the system, that you had to choose between buying a lot of the smaller items, or one big ticket item. They even added the ability to freeze an item so if you really wanted it but couldn’t afford it, you could use next month’s tender to buy the thing.

But nope, that wasn’t good enough, so Blizzard listened. You get what you ask for.

Ok, are these going to be used as items to buy on the shop, meaning we can buy tenders in these amounts for real money? Or are they cost amounts to buy things on the shop, meaning the cosmetic items on the shop will now also have an option to buy them with tenders?

I’m guessing the second. There has always been speculation that past trading post items will go on the cash shop. I’m guessing this is a way to either use tenders to buy those items, or to show how much those things cost in tenders while they were on the trading post. Like buy this weapon skin that was 200 tenders for $5.

If it was to buy tenders on the shop they wouldn’t have all those denominations, they would have two or three denominations in amounts that would force you to buy more than you need and have some left over that would encourage you to buy more. Like a 100, 500 and 1000 tender options. There wouldn’t be a number for ever single item cost.

I would think the same 1-4 options at best. So Lets hope its going to be for something in game. Maybe a new form of Challenge Conqueror?

This is of course wishful thinking. But at the end of the day its Blizzard and it would not shock any of us if it winds up appearing in the cash shop.

Alright, i really need to ask.
How is this any different than what FF14 does? They’re a pay for expansion. They’re a pay for sub. They have a cash shop FULL of cosmetics (waaaaaaaaaay more than Bliz does).

Noone seems to complain about that.

If they choose to sell their tenders… whatever. It’s cosmetic. It brings no power. If people want to pay for them, so be it.

Bold of you to assume that paid tender wasn’t the endgame for this system since the very beginning, it most definitely was as many of us stated when they first rolled out the free version of this battle pass system.

If it was originally the plan then those assets would have been in the game files from the beginning, not added several patches later.

We asked for more tenders. We told Blizzard “We want more tenders because we want to buy more stuff.” and Blizzard listened. We have to own this.

Nope, they can and definitely did have this designed from the very beginning. They simply release the free system and get people hooked before springing the next design phase which in this case is the paid currency, it’s quite a common tactic in game development.

Think about what you just said too, how is what they are doing now any different from all the patches we go through in an expansion, by your logic since we didn’t get any of these later patches datamined they just make them up on the fly with no plans at all, with my logic it’s already all mapped out in release phases.

selling tendies to milk whales is gross, but relatively harmless to the average player

I’m worried they’re going to start bumping up the prices of items to encourage even regular players to buy tendies.

I am slightly curious what this means for the regular cash shop, will it be phased out and rolled into the trading post, new mounts will cost like 3k tendies or something?

Source: Trust me bro.



Didn’t some posters say they’d never let RL $$$ interfere with the Trading Post?

So much for that.

Yeah pretty much the “I TOLD YOU THEY WERE IN THE VERY BEGINNING” guys were going off with no proof whatsoever and making wild guesses in the dark back then.

It’s a reason why more waited and see what happens.

Meh. Unless they let us use this to buy old mogs directly from the collections tab. Then Id be all down for it.

No one’s surprised. They put in prior paid items and a bunch of crappy recolours. Of course they’re going to offer packs and then up the price of what you can buy.