Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

I would assume that the maximum Tender each month remains at 1000, so you can´t gain more by investing real money.

It´s just a shortcut, like char boosts and this does not hurt anyone.

There are quite a few games that have “cosmetic only” shops. The biggest difference between WoW and those games? Those games are free to play. They don’t have premium priced expansions, and they don’t have a monthly fee.

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Nope, it’s just extremely common sense, sorry that it seems to escape you.

Not only are there too many increments for it to feel likely it is a shop thing and not just a UI change, but the increments are too even of a number. Shops thrive on having odd number currency increments to drive you to buy multiple ‘packs’ more than you would need to buy the item you want, and that just wouldnt make sense with this many evenly spaced increments.

Who, and I’m genuinely asking, cares?

It’s all cosmetic, and to be honest the cosmetics have been exceptionally mediocre as of late. I don’t think I’ll ever spend a cent on this stuff, and I’m confident I’ll be able to get whatever I want off the TP.

If you feel compelled to spend real money on purely cosmetic items, that’s a you thing.

When they gonna add my goddang chili fries?!

Eh… no? This is not what players asked for, it’s more like a granted wish from an evil fairy. Players asked for lower item prices or generally a bit more tenders. Not that the tenders make an appearance in the store.

There are also complaints about that in the FF14 community. The difference is that there’s no token and there are also no game features that are introduced so they can squeeze out more money, like it’s happening with the Trading Post now.
The Blizzard shop itself with the fairly low amount of mounts, pets and stuff hasn’t seen that much complaints in the last years. It’s because Blizzard implemented a new feature that rewards collectors for staying subbed to the game - and now they turn it into a new money grab.

Not surprised in the slightest. So long as it remains as cosmetics-only, who cares. The only thing I want to see is removing the cap on the amount of tenders you can earn each month.

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They won’t make any money if they decide to sell Trader’s Tender and keep the amount we earn the same. We’re talking about Blizzard here. They’re without a doubt 1000% going to drop the amount we earn to give us an ‘incentive’ to hand over our wallets for some ‘drip’.

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it’s going to be ridiculously gross and greedy if they don’t do this. you can shell cash out for as much as you want every month, but the rest of us can only cap out at 1k earned in-game? nah

i mean this is ridiculously gross and greedy regardless though. initially a great system, turned into yet another cash grab


That would be way too obvious. No. They will increase the prices on items.


People said the same thing back in the day when the sparkle pony was first introduced. “They’re 1000% going to be putting gear in the store next! Just you wait!”

15 years later…it’s still just mounts and cosmetics.

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We aren’t in that game day and age anymore. Majority of the companies especially blizzard by now are just fully overwhelmed with Greed. Sure we can both have hope and assume that maybe Blizzard isn’t going to Microtransaction us any harder. Especially after an implement that hasn’t even been introduced for a year. But if you just scroll and read all of these messages it doesn’t take a genius to know Blizzard has completely lost a lot of trust from a lot of people for a lot of good reasons.

I too look forward to you leaving

So this means that Blizzard at the very least blatantly lied when they said they have no plans to monetize the Trading Post.

Even if the devs didn’t intend to lie, the money men made them all into liars.

A bunch of liars in a dying company ran by a man baby who can’t handle his ickle wittle feewlings being hurt by an in game goblin joke.

lol… I’m sorry, did I miss the actual confirmation that they’ll be selling trader’s tender in the shop? Because all I’ve seen is datamined art assets.


That is most I only care about and the mounts too…rest of it …nah…battle pets and mounts for me.


Not a fan of shop/microtransactions in general so not a fan of this even though it’s cosmetics. Not surprised though as that is what is common for most games.

I’m not an OCD collector though so I’ll ignore it like the rest of the shop.

Maybe they are copying FF14 a little too much? Their cash shop is massive on top of a sub fee.

Unrelated, but it is crazy to me the cost of video games has barely changed in the last 20 years. I remember buying Turok 2 for N64 as a kid for $70 with most other games being $60.

You’ll still get tender from ingame activities, you don’t have to buy those tenders , but if/when players buy them, it’ll prove blizzard right that they can release those.

And as long as there’s not a speck of player power in the trading post, I don’t really care.

It is the most logical assumption to make given past actions, current trends, the amount of currency the icons represent, etc.

If not sold directly then they will likely be sold indirectly as a reward for recruit a friend or perhaps a bonus for buying current shop items.

If you have an alternative suggestion that you think is more likely I would like to hear it.