Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

How is it P2W? It’s all cosmetic…

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Silly space goat. Looking good is winning.

Struts around in fancy mog that makes mythic CE raiders weep with jealousy :heart_on_fire:

Perfect way to make more money from a dying game.

Pay to win Trial of Style!


For now. Soon the greed will creep into power progression.

Translation: The trader’s shop isn’t keeping people logging in as they hoped.

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What if what you earn a month stays the same they just jack the cost up on items lol.

Ewww, this isn’t great news (but expected).

So let me put it this way:

If they screw with how much I get or how much things cost to try to force me to buy Tender off the cash shop (which we still don’t know if that’s going to be the case with these icons), then I will give the Trading Post the middle finger and never use it.


What you don’t think WoW’s actually pulling a profit anymore, do you? It stopped doing that even before the Cubicle Crawl Crisis™. It’s got a year left before it’s SWtoR status.

I’ve been telling people since tendies came out that it was all the “free hit” before the dealer starts bleeding you dry when you’re good and hooked.

Get ready for B-Bucks!!! Only 79.90 for 200 tendies, c’ Mon you know you want that brutosaur, you only need 2000 tendies more and it’s finally yours payer… Er… Player :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Going to be real awkward if this turns out to simply be an update to the trading post UI, and all of you fell for Wowhead’s clickbait bs.

Make gold in-game. Buy tokens with gold. Convert tokens to Bnet balance. Buy shop items. “Have to,” indeed.

If it turns out to be basically nothing at all, then that’s fine. But I feel that it’s important to let them know what we think (in favor or against) of what we’re seeing while changes can be made. It’s entirely possible that this is a non-issue. Will they listen to what is said? Hard to say, really, but it’s still better to give feedback sooner rather than later.

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It would still be a non-issue even if it turned out that they’re going to be offering trader’s tender through the shop… Just as it’s a non-issue that you can buy mounts and transmog ensembles directly from the shop.

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Okay, but that’s just your opinion. You are entitled to that opinion, obviously, but I will vehemently disagree.

Copy-pasted assets that can be collected in game.
While the real heavy duty stuff is in the cash shop.

And yes, that is business. Cash shop items needs to entice people so that they buy more.
Another way they entice people, is by making the in game collectibles boring.

And the longer microtransactions are supported, the more likely it is we’ll end up with stale Footman and Grunt transmog set armours in game, and updated Paladin tier 2 sets on the store. Just as examples.

Box-price + sub-price on the other hand, created a need for developers to produce a game people wanted to be subscribed to. Aka, they had to produce a good game to generate income. Now all they need to do, to generate income, is throw a little sparkle in the game shop and do the bare minimum to produce a tolerable game.

Which we have seen the results of since WoD, where the cash shop really started being pushed.

Cosmetics are core content in WoW for a lot of people.

Looks like Trading Post didn’t even last a year before failing.
In essence, all they did was put a bunch of transmogs into the shop, and then added an in-game way to get them slowly.

Can’t wait to buy my $40 tmog in a game where I have to pay for the expansions in addition to a monthly sub. Thanks Blizzard, now all my dreams have come true.

Selling the tenders outright is a missed opportunity imo, blizzard should be including them into the 6month and 1 year sub promos instead and force players who want the cosmetics and aren’t already on longer subs to sub upfront

Kinda surprised RAF doesn’t include “increased monthly tenders cap for both you and your friend”

16 bundles is overkill

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