Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

One of the interns needed something to do, so they told them to make icons in 50 point increments?

(I’m being serious, by the way.)

For now. Again. Greed Creeps slowly.


It would go against on how a lot of games price microtransactions. Even the HS premium currency that was implemented this year is bundled traditionally.

It’s another proof that PTR cause a lot of issues if the Devs don’t provide their insight about these kind of things due to datamining.

Hmmm, this is interesting.

I would like to remind everyone that you can buy Shop items using gold. You don’t need to use your own money for it. You can buy a token with gold and convert that to $15 of Bnet balance, which you can then use to purchase items off the Shop.

Am I surprised? No, not really. It’s the kind of thing games companies do all the time, and almost every one of the major MMOs that I’m aware of have ways of gaining cosmetic items via real money purchasing. With so many players having available cash and liking the idea of getting everything they can ingame, it was really probably a matter of time.

Do I like it? No, not really. It again puts a gap between people who can afford it and those who can’t, who hoped to continue to play the game and earn the items available in it through play. I will find it rather disappointing if it happens.

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Mine is higher than I thought it would be!

Not related to the topic, but just wanted to say thank you for showing that site.

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I must have missed the part in the article that said they were going to force you to buy tokens in order to access the trading post. Or are you just crying for no reason?

Good Job!


You’re welcome! I live to serve.


More people need to do this tbh. If the majority of the player base did, the shop would be gone altogether real quick.

It is kinda ridiculous that we pay for expansions as well as a sub and still have to pay for these items instead of earning them in game.

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Thing is… most of the people who complain like this, wouldn’t be earning them in-game.

Because they don’t bother earning the stuff that’s already available in-game.

We know, because we can see.

All they want to do… is complain.

I must have missed the part of the article that says THERE IS ALREADY A SHOP FOR IN-GAME CASH. Or are you just crying for no reason?

I mean, there are only so many ways I can phrase “I honestly didn’t think they’d go this way with it after all the negative PR from similar monetization schemes in free-to-play games like Diablo and Overwatch when this is a game that we pay fifteen actual gottdamn US dollars for a month.”

Will you accept the above copy-pasted over and over? I can do 1.5 inch margins instead of 1.

Actually…now that I think about it, that’s a lot of bundles. IS IT POSSIBLE…that they’re going to let you buy “packs” of Trader’s Tender with gold?

and as i said before, we already saw overwatch free to play, the free rewards of the battle pass are garbage. If you want to buy anything, either you go through the store, or you go through the VIP pass, in the store…
The pve they promised will also be in the store…

Well, I’m going to finish the blue flight missions that were pending, before they charge me for accessing them.

:hourglass: 8 days

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Everyone knows that a good mog increases your DPS by as much as 30%!


Already knew this was happening. Sad days they wanna monetize every aspect of wow.


Kinda like this:

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Hahaha, yes. Just like that. Red does go faster. Just ask the Orks.

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