Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

and the fact that you are not interested does not make it irrelevant, I am not interested in pvp, you could put a token to access the arenas… and an exclusive token for high tier arenas…
thought that only hurts the game.

sorry…i musta missed how the free tokens I get each month are being worked for.
If you can earn some in game then theres less reason to be upset about it.
And again, its cosmetics. literally irrelevant content.

irrelevant to you, but I hope they put a token on the part you like in the game, don’t worry, the time will come, whatever you say, the little you have to say no longer interests me.


I dont even understand his argument to begin with.
we dont currently have ‘ACCESS TO ALL CONTENT’ with the trading post. We dont get enough currency to buy more than a few little things or a big one each month.
Yeah, its another cash shop, but Id rather have the option to toss out a few bucks and buy something if i run short than not.

and its just cosmetics that dont matter anyway.

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Cosmetic rewards are present in every area of the game. They are not irrelevant.

I love the Trading Post.
I hope they expand it bigly.
and I also understand that its 100% optional content that I can ignore so Im not gonna get bent about it either way.

lol…when they have stats that affect your character then they’ll be relevant to game play.

Well, now I know I’m wasting my time talking to you. Thanks for the heads up.


More F2P style garbage in a P2P game. The people justifying this in any way are no better than pigs eating slop out of a trough.


yeah, the personal attacks were inevitable for this forum.
checking out, thread muted

I do love a good told ya so.


I don’t take many principled stands but this is 1ofthem. You can justify the tokens by keeping the sub prices down… And maybe that’s even a little bit of what’s going on here…

But this is that slippery slope that people didnt believe. I didn’t. I said wait and see if they do something like that. And i’m still waiting to see because this isn’t definitive proof yet… But you cannot make someone outraged… And you can’t get upset that people draw their line in the sand for themselves


Cope, piggie.


Really disappointed if this actually becomes a cash item. All because some people don’t understand what it means to make a choice? I hope what they make from this covers the subs they’ll lose. Just hoping it’s really not going to be what it looks like.

I know it’s not THAT much different than previous cash shop items, except it’s tied more directly as an in-game currency this way, so it feels different. The cost and earning ratio is already completely reasonable, and having to plan is great. I thought the whole point was to play the game for this.


Best to make our thoughts known now rather than later, though it probably won’t make a difference.


Will we still get tenderies or do have to we buy them?

No it probably won’t.

But like I said i’m waiting to see how it shakes out.

I’d be disappointed if they even considered it though I do understand it from a business point of view.

If I didn’t know any better I would say they are trying to move toward free to play

It is that they are not even making me want to enter at this moment, at this rate if I need to unlock something, it will be enough to pay for it and that’s it. Why put effort into some farming? or try to get an achievement…

Game’s long overdue for an increase in the monthly fee, but every time it’s brought up, people freak out. The monthy sub fee should have passed $20 years ago, just adjusting for inflation, and that was pre-pandemic.

The slippery slope started when the cosmetic crowns went up for sale, and that was… what… ten years ago?

That’s a pretty slow slippery slope.

The confusing portion for a business standpoint is why is there an icon for a tender amount for 200+ at every 50 point? Thats 17 different bundles - no company would sell a currency in convenient bundles like that ever. That reduces the point of having return buyers buy the currency.