Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

The alternative is we don’t get any except every few years. They aren’t just going to start putting in a few new hairstyles each patch for all the races for free.

Or… don’t.

Plenty of pets/mounts/transmogs available from doing in-game activities. More than anyone could ever conceivably collect.


Cosmetics are the true end-game, though.

No one cares about someone’s numbers on their equipment.

They care about looking cool and having a nice mount, and a dope title.

The fact they are being sold, definitely hurts the game.

In fact- everything in-game can be bought. I’d rather play a game where that’s not the case. I wanna be with other gamers that gamed to get to that point, not just buying it.

Do you play games to escape IRL where money taints all? I do, lol.

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Ain’t that the truth. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: There’s an unreal amount of collectibles in this game.

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Here’s a Public Service Message I’m going to provide for everyone.

If you EVER feel the “need” to spend money on buying trader tender because you want a toy, pet, or mount, go to instead, enter your character name, and look at the MANY MANY MANY collectibles listed there THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE.

Then log into WoW and go get some of those, instead.


But Brewa…I already got most Mounts :rofl:

The five new Worgen furs next patch, the new hair colors for Nightborne we just got and the bad blind eyes we got say otherwise.

Yeah, great, like 5 options for 2 of the dozens of races. They’re just tints, too, not unique hairstyles.

Kind of an oddball attempt at a gotcha.

Especially since I said that they aren’t regularly dong it for more than a few.


This is the most mobile-game thing I’ve ever seen.


There is not “gotcha.” It’s simply facts that show otherwise. And all you did was move goalposts.

I have good news!

Go here:

And look at all that blank space.

Plenty of fun to be had, right there!

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Pathetic that people can’t even wait to see how these will be implemented before calling the devs “filthy mongrels.” Some of you need to grow up.


Yeah, I’m seeing Worgen, Nightborne and then a few months ago it was…Human/Orc? But just colors? No new content, just recolors. I think most people would prefer to see it monetized than simply not get anything.

But Brewa…I only missing 8 mounts D: hahaha

Jk aside, you’re right but collectors have a different mentallity, some of us want everything, so your idea of there’s a huge collection doesn’t matter to that kind of player…

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Crikey that’s a lot of mounts.

How true! But for those saying “I don’t want to spend money”, there are plenty of freebies to collect.

Once somebody has EVERY collectible in the game… well, then a different discussion can be had about purchased items, I suppose.

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there is already a store to buy mogs, pets and mounts among other services, now a new one… and it is scary to know that the announced pve in OW2 is going to be paid


If this is indeed where this is going, and we get tenders for cash, the next bit will be tons more mounts and mogs in the trader…and way less stuff that can be earned by actually playing the stupid game.



I get what you’re saying, I really do. I personally will not be purchasing this currency, but I see no harm in having the option for those who wish to.

k, ESO also doesn’t charge a mandatory monthly fee just to access the game… so no, these aren’t comparable.

If this news is true, then WoW has to go F2P at this point. Between full game/expac costs, monthly sub, WoW tokens, obnoxious service fee prices, and now this?

Lol no. This is greed.