Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

funny thing is why have 15 items 5 would worked out
might be a item assets
but its funny they do it 50 points increase lol

M. Night Shyamalan “WHAT A TWIST” moment:

You can sell your unused trader tender to the Blizzard store for account credit.


If that were to happen, I would figure out an addon to block it from existence.

Honestly this looks like another case of people jumping to a conclusion based off data mining and no other information. Those could very well just be updates to the price icons next to each item on the Traders Post. If/when they go up on the in game shop they are going to be sold by like 500, 1000, 2000 etc. Not denomination’s of 50 from 250 to 1000.


This is ridiculous. I mean, honestly, what is this? Fortnite? Roblox? OW2? Genshin?? But oh well, we knew this was coming at some point. I think it’s slightly dumb to add because the items are not good enough to be purchase worthy. Though I don’t care enough, I’ll never spend my money on tenders.

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Nor would I, but then again, I didn’t pay dollars for those in-game Yeti pajamas transmog either, so I’m probably not the target audience.

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I don’t see 50/100/150 which are prices right now for some items.

Considering Overwatch 2 is charging $15 for each PvE mission they are adding, which was entirely supposed to be a free mode initially launched with the game, I’m pretty sure we all know where this is going.

Diablo 4 has opened their shop as well, with some expensive cosmetics for sale.

This is just how Blizzard operates now, and I’m not gonna stand around and support it.

It’s just not the same company I used to love, although we all know it at this point.


Eh, I don’t really know about that. It could very well be, but judging by the icons I doubt it.

I hardly ever buy transmog with irl cash I only bought like maybe one.

Although I still suspect they are going to eventually be selling tenders, I agree with your scepticism about these graphics. I don’t see the shop having that many different denominations.

Well this didn’t age well. :point_down:


I understand. I just figured we should get actual details first before what Wowhead assumes ends up not to be the case like so many other things they datamined and assumed.

But I don’t begrudge you how you feel. I looked at the D4 shop and laughed. That stuff is stupidly priced.


See the issue is this is a pay to play game. They are gonna slowly turn the trading post into the shop with this tactic, weaseling in small changes like being able to buy tender, then slowly increasing the prices of the items on the trading post so you finally break and purchase some tender. This is just greed slowly finding a slow way into your pocket that is not in your face. They creep in and when caught they will pull back and wait till you’re not looking and push in again.


this is really frustrating, a lot of the appeal of the trading post was to be able to earn items in game. now having a lot of stuff be overly expensive makes sense. they intended on this BS


no the poster was talking about the 15 items in 50 tokens increase
all special tokens dont do that they go

Nah, you’re good. You even said they may do it. And we still don’t know if Wowhead is trolling or not. lol

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hmmm…def not the direction i thought they’d take this…(if it ends up becoming what i think it will)

i feel so dumb for even sharing some of the ideas/wishes i had for this thing now… whatever though, blizz is gonna blizz!

would we blame bobby for this one too, orrr?

Because of cosmetics? lmao. Bye.

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Wowhead trolling on something big and controversial as this? nah they are gonna go full throttle on this to get all the clicks lol

Not sure I like the idea of base character customization being collectible, and partially monetized. That just feels like an odd line to cross this far into the game, and after all basic character customizations, revamps and all, have been baseline.