Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

Blizzard store:


knew it was coming
y i k e s


We don’t know if or when or how it’ll be implemented.

And if they go that route, might as well just go full on Old Republic.

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I mean as of now it’s a rotation mog shop and in a later patch people can pay money for extra mog currency. Seems completely fine. Probably hard to justify asset creation in a lot of stuff that isn’t monetized.

I want an apology, Times New Roman 12 point font double spaced 3 pages minimum, from every single person that told me before the trading post that I was being cynical for saying it was a battle pass that would eventually see shop bundles.


Again, we don’t know if that’s the case. Wowhead just datamined something and guessed. Blizz hasn’t said anything yet.

Alright. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


i mean
the writing is clearly on the wall lol


Don’t understand why this would bother anyone. But then, I don’t understand why people were bothered by the crown transmogs or sparkle pony, either.


Well, it’s still not a battle pass. And we still don’t know what exactly this is going to be or when.

Heck, for all we know, it could be something they add to holiday vendors.

As long as they don’t nerf how much I earn a month, I don’t much care, though.

Now blizzard will add amazing transmogs multiple times every month, the cost will be very high to be unable to buy them all, now they introduce this to back people into a corner :^)

Money going to roll in lol… terrible man

Alot of people, myself included, pretty much said the Trading Post is a massive win so long as there is no way to buy Traders Tenders.

If this makes it to the live game, Trading post is dead. And to that I say, F you Bobby Kotick you fat goblin.


The number of “amazing” transmogs in the trading post can be counted on one hand.


Nice job cutting off what I said to be snarky. Glad you’re capable of a conversation.

Damn, I renewed my sub and this happens.

Well, won’t be renewing it now, lmao.

They always make decisions like this, that make me 100% sure I’m supporting the wrong gaming company.

The only good things anyone really wants are earned, not bought.

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Thats why i said “they will add more” or create more…

It’s shop assets. There is only 1 shop in WoW and it is the ingame cash shop. I know you’re trying to cope with this and tell yourself that what you’re seeing isn’t real but it’s time to accept reality.


We…already can’t buy them all. So that’s…fine?

We’ll also be able to use gold. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

No need to jump the gun until we find out actual details. Keep in mind that Wowhead datamined Tyrael’s Charger to be in the Trading Post due to assumption and it ended up a goblin drop for now.

We don’t know yet how this will be implemented.

See above.

Oh look. And here i praised the trading post. I expect nerfs galore to the points gain and a price increase to the stuff in the post to pigeonhole people into wanting to buy tender.

Holy crap blizzard you really like taking heavy loads of L’s all over your face you filthy mongrels.