Trader's Tender Shop Assets?

I figured that they would eventually sell the tender. Had to get the FOMO going first. As a company, Blizzards primary goal is to make money for the entities that own the company. It is always cheaper to extract more money from existing customers than it is to gain new ones.

I don’t care what people spend their money on to be honest. If they want to spend money on cosmetic items, then let them. If they then complain about the lack of things to buy with purchased tender, then there is no one else to blame but themselves.

If people don’t buy it, then Blizzard will try to get your money in a different way.

Do you have any understanding of what “Shop Asset” means?

Do you have any understanding of what I said that you apparently didn’t read?

The label in datamined stuff is sometimes meaningless. Not to mention, we even had a store mount that was labeled Trading Post.

Also: which shop? Lots of things are labeled shop assets. Including vendor items. Generic term is generic and doesn’t necessarily mean what Wowhead trolls with.

I think what they’re doing in D4 and OW is their future goal. Letting us play their game for $15/month and paying for expansions isn’t enough of a cash cow.

Get ready for the ugliest gear imaginable because they’re going to make you pay for cool looking gear :joy: I hope they don’t ever make us pay for gear outside of cosmetic purposes.

Never post on these official forums, but have to say this is the first L for me from blizzard with dragonflight.

This is literally just a mobile games gem conversion slapped onto what has been one of the best new evergreen systems in the game.

If you want to add items to the shop, go for it, FFxiv has so much in its store it’s almost absurd, but at least they respect their game enough to keep that out of it, instead of corrupting systems people actually enjoy.

And if this actually goes live while still keeping the cap on tenders that can be acquired in game, then you are literally telling people playing the game they can only have 1000 tendies but people who pay us extra can have all of the tendies they want! Great, cool, thanks for the FOMO and ruining the good will that the trading post and dragonflight has been generating.

If you can’t help putting your money grubbing hands on things and just need more vevenue, how about you just put previous items that were on the previous trading post months into the cash shop and leave the trading post alone? At least we wont be interfacing our money directly with the trading post and FOMO purchases won’t prey on people who like collecting.