Traders tender refund

So, they fixed it to how it should have been.

I would suggest contacting support but they don’t have a good track record on resolving issues.

My friend purchased both. I’m not sure if I would be a good friend to tell him he overpaid or a bad friend for stressing him out.

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This is my vote:


It shouldn’t be possible to buy both. Once you buy one it should register both as being owned by you. The OP is due a refund.


I dont know. Want to quote where I was crying ?


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Tell him.

If enough people bought both separatly and send feedback then Blizzard may try to fix this issue. An issue of their (Blizzard) making.


I think it’s more likely a bug. They definitely didn’t price and sell them separately on accident.

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Yeah, I bought it years ago. If people get them in-game now it doesn’t hurt me one bit.


Just ignore them. Flag them if you feel they’re trolling. Maybe enough will agree with you and do the same as well.

Don’t let those two drag you down to their level. They aren’t worth it.

As for those affected by this… Send feedback and, even if futile, contact support. If enough do so, then Blizzard has more incentive to act and not pretend this didn’t happen.

Oh I did I was putting the tape on to say " Don’t tell him!" as a joke haha

It should never have been separated in the first place since they’re faction locked.

It’s why I didn’t get any of the faction locked stuff. Faction lock makes it half the value.

And they’re ugly.

For everything which is faction locked if you get one you automatically get the other?

To be fair my comments are not actually calling anyone anything, I said the behaviour was entitled, silly pathetic and small (and it is), never once did I call any person anything.
“people will complain over” is nothing like “you are being childish”, I am sure you can see the difference?

And its ME moving the goalposts?

You didn’t answer my … well I don’t suppose I formed it as a question, but even so like I said this is what you draw the line at?

Again because I do not have the same opinion you have to resort to calling names, really? come on now…

I don’t believe that its up to you as to whether or not I am “done here”, feel free to correct me if I am wrong on that.

I’ve the same issue, I purchased both Nov 1st…:confused: I knew that the mount from the resurrection scroll provided both but I never get the chance to do that promotion…I just purchase both because I’m a collector and I didn’t have both…I tought Blizzard was being BLIZZARD…you know…

Hi Phenomenon and Council, Could you provide visibility to this issue? As you mentioned in your thread there’s a rotation for items and a limited currency per month that we can obtain…now we’re losing a portion of that monthly reward for something that’s being changed.

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Um, not sure if you live in the US but it’s common practice to have around 14 days of a buffer where they would then offer store credit or the partial refund.

You can browse these forums to see that people have reported buying previous expansions that then go on sale the next day and getting blizzard credits as well.

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I see. You didn’t beat bfa with both factions?

Stop it.

You’re gonna get sent on an absurdly long vacation if you keeping posting in this aggressive, antagonistic way.

This is taken from experience.

Yea, i live in the US and i’m aware the companies will often (varying periods) honor sale prices if they change it within a certain time.

That’s not the point, the original quote by the OP was very entitled, there are better ways to ask the question. I actually have no problem with folks getting their tender back and i think it would be the right thing for Blizzard to do but the reply i got was snide and that person needed a reality check.

I have had forum vacations, it’s not the end of the world. If someone opens their mouth in a nasty way to me i am going to put my foot in their mouth. Forum vacations don’t bother me, children and trolls play that game, i don’t. In fact i don’t think i have ever bothered to report anyone on the forums, waste of my time in life.

The fact of the matter is that if folks don’t want aggression, they shouldn’t start with it. I give what i get and always have. If Blizzard decides someone got their feelings hurt, that’s up to them but my life goes on either way as it always has regardless of access to the forums.

In other words, you made a comment without even knowing what you’re talking about.

I didn’t even buy the mounts, genius. Get over yourself.

You’ve proven you had no business in this thread because you don’t even have a clue what you’re talking about. You just went on some bat crazy rage rant and all you did was make yourself look like a toxic fool. Good job and good riddance. :+1:

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Oh this sounds familiar, must be an old poster i owned somewhere who is on an alt.

So YOU are the troll, thanks for identifying yourself.

LOL, thanks for more laughs, keep trying hard whoever you are troll. I will continue to own you and live in your head.