Traders tender refund

i spent traders tender buying both Spectral Wind Rider and the corresponding alliance version, but now blizzard made it that if you buy one, you get another one for free. When can I get refund for the extra traders tender spent?


I haven’t heard anything about this, where did Blizzard say this?

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they didn’t. they just changed it silently

You are getting trolled

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Theres no refund coming unless they give 1.

I can confirm what OP said is true. I only bought the alliance version as I main alliance but I just logged on a horde toon and that char now has spectral wind rider.


That’s how the mount originally worked. It wasn’t two separate mounts, it was one mount that changed form depending on if you were Horde or Alliance. Once you earnt the mount, it was unlocked for both factions.


lol people ask for refunds for the smallest thing.
Its the same all over the world, not everyone gives refunds for an item that prices change after you purchase it, it happens and will again.

We know that. But after people spent 650 Tender on one and then 650 Tender on the other… it seems Blizz changed it back. Or it’s a bug. If it’s not a bug, OP just got royally screwed, along with others, most likely.


Honestly, I feel they should refund it to people since real money could have been spent on some of the tender, [insert ethics argument here], but it’s blizz and I doubt they’ll actually do anything about it :confused:

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650 Tender isn’t “small.” Blizz either bugged something or hotfixed something. If it’s a bug, it won’t matter as they’ll fix it. If they intentionally went and changed how the mount works after people bought two… that’s a rather large middle finger to 650 Tender.


Maybe I should have said silliest reasons, same thing meant.
Or pathetic reason, take your pick, as I said it happen and will again.
3rd world problems

Wow, that’s crazy. Thought OP was trolling but nope.

I bought the mount on this toon because I main Horde, and had assumed it would transfer over to Ally even though there was an option to buy both. I checked one of my Ally toons and it didn’t transfer over, so I didn’t see the point in spending the tenders.

Lo and behold, up until seeing this post, I didn’t know they changed it but after actually checking for myself, they did indeed allow Ally to get access to the mount even if you bought it for Horde.

Strange. I’d feel some kinda way myself if I had spent the tenders for both only for them to give it for free later.


I always thought it was weird that the faction-specific pairs weren’t, y’know, paired in the trading post (and that they weren’t priced lower to make up for the restrictions they have). It’ll be interesting to see if it was intentional or not.

There’s nothing silly nor pathetic about a current in game item being changed after people spent twice as much as they needed to. We’re only 11 days into the month and the Alabaster mounts needed to be bought separately.

Maybe stop acting like a jerk for two seconds and you’d comprehend.

If someone bought two weapons from the PvP vendor for Conquest and Blizz turned around a week later and made it so you get both weapons for the price of one, this forum would have a meltdown.


LOL, the entitlement is REAL. Gimme gimme gimme.

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Do you just love to troll with nonsense comments?

11 days into the current Trading Post and Blizz changes how the mount works, which screws people out of 650 Tender who already bought both.

Use your brain.


Yes exactly

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I mean everything in the game is silly and doesn’t matter? Yet many times they revert things, refund things that were unintended, etc.

For instance, I did the Superbloom and didn’t get a seed because it didn’t give one when the patch dropped. They mailed me one after they fixed it.

Use your brain. They changed this in the same cycle, it’s not a scenario of them changing it a month after.

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Probably the cynical retail worker in me, but I don’t see this as anything more than entitlement.
Also, totally different scenario, weapons are a power item, not a skin.

People pay cash for items which end up being available for Trader tender.

That is an issue. This isnt.