Traders tender refund

… for agreeing with the rest of the mature and logical people in here that Blizz shouldn’t change something that costs a ton of currency? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you even reading this thread or are you just blindly throwing darts at a board for comments?

I don’t even know you nor give two figs about you. Where is this insanity even coming from? Are you okay? Because you’re just spouting toxic crap that makes zero sense.

Here, I’ll fix it for you and just put whatever crazy this is on ignore. You went off the deep end, dude. Go outside. You’re not even a blip on my radar.

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Clearly you haven’t read my posts other than to troll.

Yet you keep proving that i live in your head rent free as you keep needing to reply.

STILL living in your head rent free.

I already had both spectral mounts and the zhevra mount.

I think Blizzard should let me choose 3 mounts that I don’t have as a way of saying we’re sorry and causing me anxiety that I had nothing to buy with my tendies.

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“I have a brain…”

You say that yet seem hell bent on proving otherwise.

Sorry, but this is funny.

take your own advice sometime and stop projecting, We all know you use the forums as your personal dumbing ground of insults. Basically every rebuttle you have always goes back to “you have low IQ, you dont have the intellect, you arn’t smart enough to comprehend”.

Try thinking about something worthwhile to the conversation rather then pointless insults that are entirely subjective.

I still think it’s a bug. It doesn’t make sense to be done on purpose.

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Again… with the insults. Always back to someones intellect.

650 tenders is a lot of tenders. Honestly, I’d put in a ticket about it. They probably don’t have a TON of people who shelled out more than a month’s worth of tenders for both versions, it sort of feels like having to buy them separately wasn’t intended since that wasn’t the original way they were granted, so it’s worth a shot?

The Alabaster ones were split up in the Trading Post, as well. So it was intended for them to be separate. I’m assuming it’s a bug.

Lol , you never stop. Always belittling others.

You know what’s hilarious? You once claimed I follow you around, yet you’re the one trolling this thread to harass me. Which you do in others threads, as well. What’s your problem? I’m living rent free in your head for what reason?

You literally went through to cherry pick later comments, ignoring the two people who began the insults to everyone in this thread.

Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.

Another to the ignore pile, never to be heard from again. :yawning_face:

You always say that yet you keep coming back …I think this is the 20th thread you’ve said this exact same thing, very predictable lol

And I can go to any thread I like and statistically since you have over 10000 posts im bound to see you in each one. It’s just unfortunate you tend to insult everyone in every single thread.

People threatening to flag posts when nothing offensive is being said is mind boggling. Are people this sensitive now?

I agree a refund is in order. People are free to disagree with me. I won’t report you for disagreeing.


Who threatened to flag posts?

Subjective. First dude came in with this:

I’d say calling someone’s concerns pathetic is insulting.

Second dude comes in to troll with this:

I’d say calling people entitled and mocking them is insulting.

And thoze two right there is what started the poop show in here, by the way.

Most sane people agree a refund is in order. Why would anyone get reported?

That’s not offensive at all. Adults reporting posts over this sort of stuff is sad. Partly why I don’t come around here as much. Kept getting reported for having a different opinion. Children in adult bodies basically. Sorry, not sorry.

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Thus why I said “subjective.” I think it’s insulting to troll with that stuff and you don’t. :dracthyr_shrug:

Who is reporting this stuff? I’m confused how this came into play.

I’m not referring to you. I’m not going to name names, the person knows who they are.

Oh okay. Sorry for the confusion. I didn’t know there was a reporting issue in here. I personally don’t report anything ever anymore. Haven’t for a long time. I figure I’ll just let the place burn. lol

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The truth is the truth, the OP came off as entitled. There were FAR BETTER ways to ask for a refund than what was written (implying Blizzard did something wrong and dirty) and i called it what it was and still is, entitled. Gimme gimme gimme.

You would realize that if you stopped for one minute and actually read how it comes across, there is no asking anything, it’s a demand in the form of a question, that’s not how you get the things you want. There is no trying to understand the problem (is it a bug introduced with the patch?), there isn’t even a mention of sending in a ticket to try to get that refund, just implying Blizzard did something dirty and then run to the forums and demand something.

Then YOU decided to call folks names and talk crap. I just put you in your place for it.