Trader's Tender - Make a way for us to buy more with $USD?

we used to have hexagonal mexican pizza too. those were pretty good. honestly some of the school food wasnt terrible, i remember a number of things i liked

Edited. Thank you.

my slopy joes we had was not good nore bad
was just ok

I support this. I have no interest in doing many of the activities in WoW save for a few. Give me the option to spend $$ on Tenders so I can obtain the mogs.


No, i don’t spend every waking hour of my life browsing forums of a video game. I actually have a life.

And to your point about a paid battlepass… so what? I actually welcome that, and would be something I would pay for. What is it to you if I choose to pay for an optional thing in game that only gets me cosmetics?

i’m sorry but i’m genuinely saddened that people still have a problem with the trader activities. they gave us a ridiculously wild range of things to pick from and yall still dont want to do it. honestly if you can’t find 1k worth of things to do out of that list, don’t bother with the feature at all

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I actually did all the activities until they stopped giving me trader’s tender. Whats the point of doing the activities if they aren’t going to reward something? an achievement, traders tender, etc.

I’m not one of those people who arbitrarily put limits on myself just to see if i can do them in a video game.

I expect such a thing will happen eventually, OP.

Just like I also expect there will be months with “play this month and get double trader tender!” promos to keep people playing during slower months.

this is the only thing i can agree on you with, i would like it if they let us complete more of the activities for a smaller amount of tender, even if it was like 20 apiece or something. i just like doing checklist activities


Pretty sure there is an achievement if you complete the trading post for a year or so. Trading Post Enthusiast. Also pretty sure you’ll be able to get all cosmetics over time.
I don’t understand the “there’s no reward” point. I mean when you raid and that gives you Tenders, that’s the additional reward. The primary reward is loot/great vault etc. and that goes for all activities you can do to get Tenders minus stuff like /love at NPCs.

They’re talking about how there’s no reason to continue completing tasks after filling the bar for the month, since the tender currently has a cap. They want to continue completing tasks, but there’s no reason to (I think the game even stops tracking them once you hit the monthly limit).

I agree with this 100%. Even if it took tons more completed activities, why not give a small amount of tender? Anything you don’t feel like doing over and above what you already did could be purchased with real money, or if they had a premium service, could sign up to that.

Maybe the free way would be you have to do idk, 20 hours of activities, but you could circumvent that by just purchasing the tender outright with cash.

But isn’t that so everyone, regardless of whether they raid, dungeon, pet battle, pvp, run old content, etc. automatically does activities that will fill the bar just playing like they would normally? I think it was never supposed to be a to-do list in the sense of “complete all 60 of these tasks”

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yeah i’m fully aware they’d never do it, because then people would feel like they were “forced” to do every single activity to max it out. it would just make me a bit happier and give me more to do in the game every month, is all

Dude, you’re literally asking for a game pass.

I wouldn’t mind being able to do a few more activities either, but I think the long-term problem would be that they’d run out of rewards people are actually interested in. If you get all rewards within a year, they’ll have to create new interesting rewards all the time OR we get to the same point we’re at with holidays where people just do everything once and then they don’t bother with the event (except for rare drops).

I mean, I could see it happening eventually. You look at a system like this and it seems like it was perfectly designed to be monetized.

i like this idea

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I’m pretty sure the OP is a blizz employee trying to soften us up for this eventuality.

EDIT: the guy above me too

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It’s inevitable. I don’t know why it triggers people and causes denial. It’s gonna happen. lol. There’s a reason you can’t unlock em all.

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