Trader's Tender - Make a way for us to buy more with $USD?

I really like the idea of the trading post, but currently there is a limit to how much trader’s tender (the currency used to buy the cosmetics) you can earn in a given month.

Blizzard: Could you maybe add a way for those of us who would optionally want to just spend $USD on buying more currency to buy the cosmetics from the trading post in any given month?

Better yet, could you add a premium path to acquiring more trader’s tender? Link it to in game activities, but it could be some sort of monthly optional purchase?

Idk, im just thinking of ways to be able to acquire all the cosmetics every month, even if it means making trader’s tender available with real $$$.


you cant and wont. that’s the point


It’s okay to not be able to collect everything.


also if you want something put it on freeze


All the OCD WoW players out there:


I mean most of them are never going to get even remotely close to collecting everything, so I’m not sure why they’d fret. Game has genuinely too much if you’re trying to “100%” it.

I’m sure items will end up back in the rotation. I’ve not seen anywhere where they’ve said these items are going to be gone forever.


No, it’s supposed to be accessible for free.
Stop trying to ruin the whole goal of the system: To incentivize players to log in and participate in content/events


stop trolling. so obvious


I can promise you eventually you’ll be able to convert WoW tokens to trader’s tender.

They’re waiting until the backlash wouldn’t be so severe. Maybe 6 months or so. The month they do it, there will be a plethora of super desirable stuff available at the trading post to convince you it’s all okay.

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I’m just saying, give players the option to purchase the tender with real money, but still provide the free avenue every month. Its just cosmetic purchases anyway tbh.

Technically youre already doing that considering you need to be subscribed in order to participate in traveler’s log,


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Troll more obviously


No i’m not trolling. I would really love the option to spend USD on traders tender.

Not all cosmetics are able to be purchased with the limit on trader’s tender, and I would be willing to pay real money to acquire what I didn’t get for free from the monthly activities.

Better yet, if there was a premium arm of the monthly activities that allowed you to gain more traders tender, that would be the best way to implement an optional purchase. You still have to do stuff in game to get the rest of the cosmetics, but you bought the ability to do so with say, $10-15 bucks each month.

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Over and above the monthly subscription im saying. Its like different tiers of subscription services. Many companies do this already.

not even trying hard troll

Better yet, add better and more shiny rewards for people who want to throw USD at the game. Maybe a long boi but it also has a transmogrifier, and a barber shop :pleading_face: ← see, more obvious is always possible

lol. just because you might not like the idea, doesn’t mean its trolling. Can’t you just disagree or provide another solution rather than calling someone a troll without even considering the idea?

This is one of the reasons I play classic more than retail, because of people like you.

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Providing this option only ruins the whole point in the design of the system. (A free way to acquire unique transmog options by logging in and doing content)
So no, it’s not a good idea.
Just because every other company is doing that (which most are platformed on free to play business models and arent comparable) doesnt mean WoW should do it that way too.