Trader's tender Freeze cycle. MORE TENDER

The only one painting people with a broad brush is you. Talking about “the minority” of players that can’t control themselves punishing “the majority”.

I on the other hand have only told you to present an honest argument which you have yet to do.

The system that you claim you are comfortable with already exists. There is no reason to advocate for a soft cap unless that’s what you really want.

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If it’s not special there is no incentive to pay from a customer standpoint. Special = monetization. Scarcity = special to a lot of players, not just usability.

Look at comic book prices from the 90s (print until we’re out of paper) compared to subsequent decades (print to demand or just shy of it). Prices are wildly different.

Heck, look at the price of literally any old Nintendo game that was well received. They still sell for almost as much as they did back in the 80s-90s as they do today on eBay for a used copy. Few Pokémon cartridges or discs are hundreds of dollars.

Scarcity (supply) impacts demand, demand drives price.

They control the supply, they control the demand (to a degree). They’re just fussing with both ends of the formula until they hit a price point they’re happy with. At any moment they can reduce/increase supply. Now we aren’t going to buy just anything, which is why the TP has had some really good high res options already. They are trying to drive demand.

Of course they are going to monetize it. Everything this game does is through the lens of a return. Either through sub money or shop purchases (token, mog, mounts, services, whatever).

You’d be setting yourself up for frustration if you try and make blizzard (or Microsoft) into anything except a business. They can’t serve two masters, and they’ve chosen return.

Netflix doesn’t add a show because they think a subsection of weebs really wants this, they add that show because they want sub money from those weebs and they think they want this. The sub money has to exceed what Netflix pays for the title or they find another focus group.

Same for us and entertainment. If I don’t spend my time here, then I don’t spend my mo way here.

You earn 1000 points to earn 500 tender. Every 200 points you hit a progress bar on the grind which unlocks 100 tender.


I know for myself; I would venture into content I normally don’t do to earn some extra tender. Would that make me buy everything every month that I could, nah some of that stuff still looks like garbage to me. It would help me not to have to choose between do I buy the mount or the pet this month. A lot of times that’s between 1200-1300 tender alone, so it means every other month I can buy both mount and pet, but the mount frozen still sits there until something better needs to be frozen.

As a collector it definitely pains me to see certain things I’m interested in go bye-bye. I might actually think about some of the cosmetic’s if I earned extra tender from content I normally don’t do. It would also bring life back into those areas for the people that strictly focus playing in those areas I don’t that have over time watched those areas dwindle to current levels.

100% Agree.

I know for myself (yah there a lot of bad cosmetics); to purchase the two items I want every month (mount and pet) that can range between 1200-1300. Since we only get 1000 a month, that means every other month I can purchase both with the extra 200 working towards what every I froze from previous months.

Given an option to earn more, would say to myself hey why not try this content to earn that extra tender. Otherwise, why would I go do content I don’t normally do. Ya there going to be people that will grind content for the extra tender, but only to build up cushions to purchase stuff they normally would without fear the miss out.

Why is it on these forums we are plagued by people who took half of a economics course?

These people live in a state of perpetual bafflement over how the new ghost busters did worse then the old one even with a higher budget.

Stop complaining about cost and I’ll stop trying to rationalize it. :man_shrugging:

I like Ghost Busters in this following order, #1, #4, #2, #5 and finally #3. Of the 5 movies number three is the one that changed all the cast to not have any of the original characters and I just couldn’t get into it.

Which is a 50% point to tender return, no reason Blizzard, if they wanted, could not reduce that to 20 tender for every 200 points (10% return) or 10 tender for every 200 points (5% return) or even less after cap the 1000point/500 tender marks have been hit. I mean for just doing thing naturally, like M+ or raids for those of us that do them, even a 1% return (2 tender for every 200 points) would be fine.

And for me, I might not venture into content I don’t do, like most PvP, even for extra tender unless post cap took an overtime amount (I.E. time and 1/2) as a reward struction, that would be like 150 tender for every 200 points made.

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There isn’t a need to rationalize it. Its understood its just criticized

Think right now it’s for every 200 points you get 100 tenders, so if the same level or cut that in half to 200/50 I could get behind. I’m still not going to afford everything, but it would give me more cushion for the months I don’t want to do that extra content or at least buy a couple pieces of cosmetics I can’t buy currently under current system.

Yeah, this is what some, like that rogue, can’t seem to grasp, yes there will be those that want the soft cap in order to buy everything, but for what I would expect to be the majority, it would just be a cushion to get some items or save up so we can get our frozen item as well as the other items we want.

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any examples of them constantly trying to monetize it?

there were, what, two bundles that included tenders? six months ago?

That is probably part of my confusion. Thank you.

I don’t see the problem. The items don’t impact gameplay at all and if we could get every item every month, a lot of engagement would be lost since they’ve typically been recycling a decent chunk of items each month.

Buy what you want and be patient the rest will return. I haven’t really liked anything the past few themes so I’m sitting on over 6k tenders.

There ought to be less available every month. Is there any reason we needed two separate colorways of a diving suit this month? One as an ensemble (for 800 tenders, JFC that’s too much) and another for 860 sold separately?

This is the kind of crap I think makes it hellish. FWIW.

Mutiple early buys, bundles, amd open talks early on about including it in addition purchases.

It isnt some cloak and dagger situation.

I agree with Pyri here. The community responded that they didn’t want this monetized and Blizzard reacted appropriately. Two bundles were sold for cosmetics; one added bundle in Deluxe versions of the next expansion. The latter of which I’m fine with: Blizzard always includes cosmetics to entice deluxe edition purchases. Tendies just let you pick what those are.

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okay, but nothing recently? it’s hardly constantly if nothing new has come up in the last few months

Monkey’s paw curls 100 bucks for 6k Tender.

If things keep getting added and TP size does not expand, some things will never return. It’s simple math.

Don’t expect to get anything you missed. Just hope it will be re-added some day.

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