Trader's tender Freeze cycle. MORE TENDER

I only check the trading post on the last day of every month, that way I can just buy what my first instinct says and its out of sight.

Imagine yourself living in a supermarket, and you will understand

But I might miss out on these canned beets!

Would you rather them produce less content for the trading post? I wouldn’t.

Would it matter if you saw someone with anything from the trading post if we all just went to the npc to buy everything each month? I wouldn’t want that either.

The gold sink vendor and the trading post are good additions to the game imho. It gives us something to work towards that’s not character power.

I’m seeing lots of repeat items already, which is good for new players too. I don’t want someone to miss out indefinitely because they started a family and couldn’t play for 2 months.

Calling something you don’t understand a turd does make you stinky however

That’d be difficult for Blizzard, I’m pretty sure returning items are decided the day before a new month starts with a dartboard.

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I rather they didn’t slowly inflate the costs of items while keeping the tender the same. Items are creeping towards being 1k per big ticket item.

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Because that’s not how the Trading Post works.

The Trading Post is a type of monthly login rewards system. One that rotates cosmetics in and out, where eventually it won’t be much of any new stuff coming in. Much of what you see is old assets they’ve had sitting around for ages collecting digital dust. A way to put those assets in with minimal work.

The point is to keep you coming back every month, make it easy to do, keep you from buying much so that you’ll have stuff to buy later when it all cycles back around.

It’s marketing.

Yep. It’s not supposed to be a grind. It’s supposed to be easy, capped and chill.

I’m pretty sure that if Daddy Blizz allowed any kind of grind for tendies the TP prices would go up accordingly. And I really don’t want that because I don’t have the available play time to grind them. I would rather the prices come down a little. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Honestly the amount of people on this forum calling ur idea entitled are real debbie downers.

For everyone here you know theres is a halfway point between “constantly get tenders and turn this small thing intona grindfest” and “leave things how they are you arent suppose to get everything” right?

Just increase the amount of tenders from 1000 per month to 1500-1800 per month. With the increase cost of everything i think this is a fine adjustment so players get get a little more stuff without getting everything every month.

As it is now i feel you dont get much and have to wait for 80% of thr stuff to return to try to get it. Just increase the tenders a bit thats all. It doesnt need to turn into a grindfest and it doesnt need to be a one or two things per month thing. There IS a solid middle ground.

Stop paying your sub and see how many tendies you get on your trial characters. It may not require any payment beyond the sub, but it does have a cost. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I doubt that anyone started playing this game for the trading Post. If they removed it all together, would you stop playing?

Very disengenuous argument.


Okay and how much would you evaluate the price of those tenders? As a value add to everything else in the game, and considering the sub price hasn’t changed, I’m not sure it’s super expensive.

Look at this from a data perspective.

Blizzard presumably has access to average tender per account with deviation information available. Raw number of purchases. Raw amount of tender earned per month, avg earned per month, etc. number of characters making a mount purchase, an armor purchase, a pet purchase, combination of purchases, etc. number of trading post objectives completed, when they’re completed, etc. all the data you could want.

Surely the developers have targets in mind.

If purchases are exceeding targeted projections then you have 2 knobs to turn. Supply or cost. They’re tweaking cost.

I didn’t expect them to be happy with it at release, of course they’d fiddle with it over the first year - and probably indefinitely. Adding some spurts of tender here or there is a quick way to placate the player base for a day if they need to release some PR into the wild.

I think this is just data driven targets doing data driven target things. :man_shrugging:

I don’t feel like mount collectors have been priced out of mounts yet. Or pet collectors.

I’ve had to specifically choose an armor type and dabble in the rest though when looking through TP. Same for remix so far because I just don’t have that much time to play right now. So I’m focusing on plate sets.

I think that’s okay?

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no, what would happen is that people would figure out the most efficient way to grind all the tender they could ever want, then get mad at blizzard for “forcing” them to grind that content endlessly

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But we can’t even get that much, as it would “encourage grinding”.

The trick is finding that balance, like what is enough to incentivize people to do the content but not enough to drive people to do it to no end? Sure there will always be those that will grind it out no matter what, but should the majority be denied a little bonus because the minority can’t control themselves?

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Buddy , just admit that you want to buy everything every month. At least then we can have an honest conversation about it.

It’s funny that you are talking about the minority of players that can’t control themselves. That’s you. That’s the whole reason you want a soft cap on tender.

If you just wanted a casual way to get a few extra neato items by doing stuff you already do, Congratulations that is the current system.

Another disingenuous argument smh…

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I think im a lot less sympathetic and understanding when they constantly try to monetize it…

Im not convinced the raising costs are to make players feel like their purchases are special

Why would I admit something that is not true? You see no reason for things but what you think others want.

Did it even enter you r mind that I cold take or leave the soft cap? did you even THINK that while I would LIKE to see such, I am more then willing to let Blizzard decide.

At most, what I would get with extra tender would be a few extra pieces of the “al a cart” tmog set, like the different colors of the beach/swimwear last month. I have zero interest in the current mog sets, outside of the Thunderfury bow, which I already grabbed. I also got the turtle mount, which I had frozen, and replaced it with the crimsonfur for this month. I know even with my idea, of a REDUCED amount of tender after cap, I would not likely get enough for that one.

At this point, I am wondering of YOU are one of those that can’t control themselves, maybe not to buy everything but to maximize what you save each month.

I have already labled you a troll, you don’t know me, I don’t know you, so why are you pulling the stupid “he must want x” without proof of such?

What you think about me is just your thoughts, Sure there might be others that want a soft cap for the reasons you listed, but there are other reasons some would want the same. You can’t paint everyone with t broad brush without looking like a fool.

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To each their own, but I cannot comprehend how people are running out of tender these last two months. It’s all beach party transmog. Yuck.

Wot? I always completely mine pretty swiftly and I’m a pvper lol