Trader's tender Freeze cycle. MORE TENDER

Yeah, why not?

I’ve become desensitized to fomo. Between every game on the market trying to pull this tactic on people there’s only so much a person can take. It’s a set I probably won’t ever wear and a mount I won’t ever use.

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I appreciate the sentiment, but being an over-achiever will only lead to further nurfs from the modern blizz team

I think you need a friend to lead you through ideas like grinding means different things to different players, as yo umost most certanly are not going to listen to ones that don’t have a view like yours as far as that goes.

If people feel they need to grind things they don’t like to do for a pittance of tender, that is on them.

And part of that could include if they like the activity in the first place. Just as an example, I hit my cap this month already by just doing my normal routine on remix, all my idea is asking for is the ability to earn more my doing my normal routines on retail. I don’t consider it a grind if I do it anyway.

I admit, there might be some out there with so little self control that if one was able to go above it, they would do everything they cold to max it out. But what is wrong with rewarding the likely majority of players for doing content they like to do anyway?

I am a raider, I can easily kill the needed raid bosses without thinking/realizing it
I run M+, I can hit the needed amount of M+ runs without thinking about it
I quest, I can hit the number of quests without realizing it
I don’t PvP, so the honor and BG things? not likely to get unless I push myself to do them, which I might if under cap but no way if it is just for a pittance of tender.

If you want me to listen, present sound arguments that take differing views of what thigns could mean into account. However, if your arguments amount to either just an opinion or can be boiled down to “your idea will not do what you think because people will be idiots”, I will label you a troll.

Because it’s free. I didn’t do anything to obtain it except pick from a list of stuff what I wanted. If someone were to offer you a bag of chips or a donut would you complain that you weren’t able to have both?

Thank you for agreeing your idea encourages grinding.



Thank you for proving yourself to be nothing but a troll. My idea does not promote grinding for those that can control themselves and keep things in perspective. All you are doing iis saying “if the minority can’t handle it, we can’t give it to the majority”.

But then, what do I expect from one who named a character Phillistine? A word that means:

a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values .

fits you to a tee


Forum people be like that most of the time, yes.

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I think there should be a way to catch up in tender for months not played but it’s supposed to be fomo. Some incentive to stay subbed I guess.

I think the confusing part that gets a lot of people myself included is it takes 1000 points to get that 500 extra tender. So, they forget about the sub bonus and assume it’s strictly from doing the chores. But yes, last year they did include the sub bonus and more tender from the activities.

I personally would love to get more tender for the activities, but there is no reason for me to do stuff like dungeons, player verse player, and raid activity if there is no benefit for me to do them. But if they allowed you to keep earning tender above the “cap” then maybe parts of the game that feel dead, dying or neglected would start to show life.

It would seem like a good way to fill queues, get people to places, etc… by incentivizing them to do those things or go to those places to explore. Even after the initial big ones it gave even 20 tenders for the 200 points earned would be a nice little bonus.


I definitely don’t think we should be able to grind out the entire traveler’s log. Thank goodness they didn’t set it up that way!

You’re not supposed to browse a catalogue or shop and decide you want everything in it. The variety of items is so that when everyone goes to pick their 1 or 2 items as a subscriber reward, there is something to appeal to everyone. Well… almost everyone.

I do think however as the monthly bonus outside the log is 500, that nothing should cost more than that… so you can always get at least 1 cool thing. It’s just so much tidier that way.

Making a mount 800 I feel is because Blizzard cannot resist tweeking each and every feature to add a little padding to the “time played” metric.


I didnt mind back when a desirable reward was the bonus, because that means I had more to spend. Now we just get crappy backpieces, lame toys, and battle pets as the bonus reward.

The cited goal of the bonus reward was originally to put the “big ticket item” because everyone would buy it anyways.

How did we get here?

Everything on the TP this month is a hard pass for me, and that peacock mount sat frozen long enough in my little freeze box that I don’t even want it anymore.

Saving trading coins is ez


Explain how it isn’t free.

I still have the celestial steed frozen in it, even though I already bought it.

There wasn’t a single piece I wanted from this trader post so it’s just you

good luck finding an MMO without “fomo”

People will fomo over nothing.