Confirmation dialogue does not show at all when there is no gold involved. The confirmation dialogue only shows when there is gold involved in the trade. Go try it out.
The scam pretty much relies on you hitting accept almost right after putting your items in the trade window so that the trade goes through immediately with no confirmation dialogue. If you literally wait and look you will see that the scammer took the gold out and hit accept right after you put the items in the trade window. This allows you to identify the scam since a legitimate buyer would not do something like this then you can cancel the trade with them.
The Weakaura will remove the gold and/or switch item amounts out right after you put you gold or items in the trade window. It really does heavily rely on you hitting accept right after you put your stuff in the trade window without double checking everything first before hitting accept. They can try after their first attempt to ‘guess’ when you might hit accept and try to remove the gold at a random time, but if you literally just wait you will see them doing this and easily identify the scam. Waiting, just waiting before hitting accept is one of the strongest thing you can do right now to avoid this scam.
Also, you are very wrong - the confirmation dialogue is not the problem, it is the absence of one when there is no gold involved in a trade that is the problem and is the main enabler of this scam in the first place. If Blizzard added a confirmation dialogue to ALL trades regardless of whether they involve gold or not, it would make this scam so much harder since there would be a second confirmation where the scammer could not make changes on their end in the trade window and it would allow you to double check what is there before ultimately accepting the trade to go through.
I just did. Confirmation dialogue.
Is it Black Loti or Black Lotus? Or his original spelling Black Lotuses as the proper form in referring to multiples?
I’d suggest moving on from this thread. The OP is overly angry because he is not getting his item back from Blizzard, and putting the entirety of the blame on them. He could really care less what happens to the user because he keeps making overly exaggerated claims about what the GM is telling him through ticket responses.
Extrapolating from a ticket and then acting as if that is what they said, then coming to the forums to MISQUOTE that GM is completely ridiculous and I find it strange you thought anyone here would be on your side. None of us like scammers or support them, but we are all smart enough to know if you have evidence, give it to a GM, and get a ticket response saying they will look into it and that its not tolerated. You can be sure something will be done. You are just angry you aren’t getting your items back. Which sucks, but that is how the game is run. Get over it.
Far out 10black lotus taken from you sorry man that’s brutal
You are either doing something wrong or you are just lying.
Here you can clearly see that it is demonstrated that when there is no gold in the trade window, there is no confirmation dialogue. When there is gold, there is a confirmation dialogue. That is what the scam relies on. There being no confirmation dialogue after the gold is removed immediately after the items are put into the trade window.
I posted the SS’s above. In the report I made, I attached SS’s of the agreed prices and the aftermath of not just me, but others.
I even found the script he used, it’s a weakaura, that does it and posted that in the email to Blizz.
They do not care at all.
I’ve recovered my lost gold through other ways since Blizz doesn’t care about these type of issues.
As stated, Blizzard does not give you items back. Its not how it works in this game and it has never worked this way. Instead of malding out on the forums, move on and be glad that the guy will get banned.
I played in vanilla, I can 100% assure you that it did work like that. They would restore items of people who were scammed, especially if the person who was doing the scamming was using a UI script exploit to allow it to happen.
But hey, I guess expecting a company to treat their paying customers like humans is too much, especially when they have creatures like you wandering the forums.
I do not believe you about playing in Vanilla because you would know that Blizzard did not do exactly what you are saying they did. The reason being because there is no real way to prove that the person you are saying scammed you is your friend or another account you own, which in turn could be used to take gold and sell for RMT, then you get your item/gold back to do it again.
Because I actually read the script your provided and it shows that you misquoted the GM entirely and instead put your own garbage in quotes to make it seem like a GM would ever use language like “We don’t care”, all your integrity goes out the window, therefor there is no reason to think of you as a credible person.
The fact you come to the forums to whine and be a crybaby because things didn’t go your way, like we can do anything about your missing gold is the final reason I am going to end this commenting on your post because it is just that pathetic.
They tell you action has been taken against an account when you report bots.
Or, I’m not doing anything wrong and I’m not lying.
We used to get our gold/mats back all the time.
Every item, every bit of gold has a UUID . You really should stop making pronouncements about things you are ignorant of.
The only time I ever had this sort of problem was back in WotLK and it worked just like that. It took two days, but I got my stuff back plus a very nice note from a GM.
The guy will get a 3 day ban and items removed, you will get nothing. Had it happen, I tried to trade gold for 10 lotus.
The guy was from a guild on the server known for abusive behaviour, they bragged in world chat that the ban was only for 3 days and he won’t miss a naxx run.
Which is how long it took him to show as online again.
things that never happened
Well it currently does not and never has required a confirmation dialogue for trades involving only items. Post some proof of a confirmation dialogue when trading only items or quit spreading lies that will get more people scammed
It does for me.