Trade scamming using a WeakAura script

imgur .com/a/Amsgdm5

I can prove I played, but also don’t care that you don’t believe me. Clearly you didn’t play back then or you’d remember how great their customer service/GM’s were.

Your strawman about scamming GM’s is hilarious. Undoing a trade doesn’t gain any net anything. If me and a buddy traded some stuff and I cried foul and tried to get the trade undone, all that would happen is we’d both where we were before trade.

Second, you didn’t read the script I provided to blizzard because I blocked it out on the forum post. I had even gone back and made sure I didn’t accidentally post it. Why are you lying about things that are literally in this thread? Like why gaslight someone dude?

I wasn’t asking you for anything. I am asking why 1) blizzard doesn’t care about these problems 2) why shouldn’t I, since blizz doesn’t care, use these same tools to scam folks of items?

What I just don’t get is why are you such a miserable person? Why do you vehemently defend Blizzards anticustomer policies simply because you like their product? I like the product too, I literally bought and paid for it, clearly I like it, but these kinds of policies they have (likely born from retail where there is no real player interaction anyways and shoehorned into classic where an ingame economy is important) are just harsh and further victimize folks who were already the victim.

“Will you do this for me?”


That’s you.

Blizzard should be restoring any items they can verify as agreed upon and their answer should be that they will review the incident and restore if they can verify the facts of the case, which basically means doing all haggling in-game chat. Maybe do COD sales if you’re really worried. Bottom line is to at least always stare at the trade window before you hit trade.

In original Vanilla someone scammed me by wrapping up a present with a ring I wanted to buy. I hestitated, but decided he was just trying to be nice because it was an epic ring that was good. Nope, level 2 pants. I put in a ticket and the GM basically did tell me to go pound sand, but I pressed on and basically point blank said so you’re saying a guy and I can agree to a trade and then he can scam me with wrapping up a present and you’re not going to do anything about it? And he escalated the ticket. Got the gold back. Like all of it was in the chat log, the guy “was tired” and “wanted to go to bed” so he mailed it to me and we agreed on a COD price for the epic ring he was advertising in chat. It wasn’t a debate.

Blizzard needs to have better customer service on this so people stop doing it. I will say the OP is off-base on “they don’t care” if we are to believe they will action him for what he did, but there’s no reason they shouldn’t be doing item restorations for the players. If they could do it for us in Vanilla when they were a small company they can do it now.

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I think you’re reading into things a bit; being optimistic isn’t being delusional caps-lock crazy-screaming.

Take a deep breath.

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I didn’t read too much into it, I just read the GM response and I read your rationale. Look it’s one thing to be glass half full, but it’s another thing to be glass half full when the glass is empty.

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This is a long standing point taken by Blizzard that they do not refund trade scams. You are speaking very confidently but are making yourself look like a fool.

However OP is not helping himself at all by swearing at the GM and saying he’s going to run to Reddit.

Scams are a part of the game and I don’t blame Blizzard for not wanting to commit resources to combating them since they fit the MMORPG genre, however scams that result from abusing the horrible LUA/API exploits that Blizzard refuses to fix (which also result in botting) is just silly and should be a non-issue but Blizzard refuses to change them.

For reference google “Wowhead founder Botting” and click the first link to read about how Blizzard’s LUA unlocker issue is the largest issue facing a healthy game economy.


Startuptim is just a bad troll. I can’t believe anyone ever believed he has anything to do with WoWhead.

Regardless who brought it up, the LUA unlockers are real and a real issue.

I’m sure they are. Yep, yep.