Trade Chat is Incredibly Toxic Tonight

When you do stuff like this you gotta expect push back.

Blizz will just cancel them all, well at least the ones they have differing opinions than…
Its a one sided automated moderation system.


Wrong. All I stated was that when I was a kid, the statement that poster made was the EXACT same thing I was told about gay men, ie if they could get women they wouldnt be gay. I found it offensive as I am sure everyone does.

I see the same thing with incels today. I would also bet that a fair majority of icels have actual disabilities like being on the spectrum.

But hey, seeing someone with an issue doesnt move your narrative, its easier to go (like they did when I was a kid) “bash the gays” huh?


You literally could have just said you don’t know what incel means lmao

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You have no idea what will happen.

If your ability to predict the future is that good, give us the winning Lotto numbers.

So toe the line or else! Honestly, this social contract does nothing to improve the nature of the game or how players interact.

Human interaction grows and builds itself upon natural and organic development. To artificially control, limit, or reform it more often than not causes more harm than good. While it is good to encourage people to be decent, you cannot force them to be decent.
You cannot force people to be good, only compliant.


Really? You must be special if you think that - the term is literally “involuntary celebate” and you believe they choose it?

And you have the audacity to say “I” dont understand words?



But we can force people out of the game when they start being degenerate.

Or maybe you dont know more than the slur…


This was my original point, yet you claimed that this reminder was disrespectful. That is all I commented on.

Alright chief, GL with this

You’re very clearly being head in the sand with this

Enjoy staunchly defending a group known for their mysoginistic and racist views

ROFL going back to the slur.

You might wanna try to expose yourself to someone different than yourself and learn why they are different.

Tolerance and all that.


Correct. Next week they will be on the forums complaining that their realms are dead and decaying. Crying to Blizzard to please consolidate more realms or bring new people to the game.

Why would anyone come play this game after the negative verbal (word of mouth) advertisement about censorship?


You might wanna actually learn what the word is linked with instead of just whatever you feel like putting it with

Cuz hey, is the word itself is directly linked to male supremacy, it’s not a bunch of oh no we victims slur

> Choose
> Involuntary

Which one is it?


Only to those who know their days are numbered

They can’t keep the bots and gold farmers out. People will just wait out the bans or make new accounts.

Incel is significantly more than no sex

It’s the large amounts of hatreds towards women and the fact they feel entitled to ihem, and you know all the other stuff largely linked with it

But I guess this is all a slur despite this all being direct definitions of the group

depends on whose definition you look at.

Sometimes, evil people try to change what a word means to give it power like the N word. it used to have a definition before it mean African Americans


Man you are some desperate for them to be the victim, wonder why

Anyway, GL defending the losers

Kind of like racist people use the N word to assign all kinds of negative adjectives towards African Americans?

It doesnt make the racists right for trying to add those negative connotations

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