Trade Chat is Incredibly Toxic Tonight

Give it time. Let them get it out of the systems. Within a month, they will have forgotten about it and moved on.

Thats exactly why I am arguing. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human being especially if people like you deem them less than human because of the way they were born.

At least they are not like the incel people like you want dead and out of your view because they are not pretty enough for your liking.

Imagine wanting people dead because of the way they look and inventing and entire mentality so you can justify your hatred.

I’m not sure why you’re so bound and determined to derail this topic into protect-the-incels hour but there’s something I feel like you’ve either missed or intentionally ignored:

Incels are not just “anyone who cannot get a girlfriend” bro, they’re a very specific subset of internet culture who believe women are an inferior species and talk about them with utter disgust and hatred and nothing else. They are not actually involuntary celibates; they are people so voluntarily vile and unapproachable no woman could get close to one even if she wanted to.

Lots of overweight and traditionally-unattractive guys get dates or get married. I work a public-facing job; I see them literally every day. You know what the difference is? Those guys are nice, pleasant people who have pleasant personalities and know how to treat other human beings like actual human beings.

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This is derogatory language, it is critical of others. That is against the ToS and the social contract you have agreed to which clearly states derogatory language or behavior is no longer acceptable in this game. Please stop being toxic.

This is derogatory behavior, which is against the tos and the social contract you agreed to, please stop being toxic.

This is why I keep this argument going because there are 2 differening descriptions of this slur and I am tired of seeing this slur being allowed in game while any other slur based on sexuality would have someone banned in 2 seconds.

Your group which believes it only includes hateful angry killers.

The other group that follows the actual term and what it means - involuntary celibate.

Every single point i have brough up include how other marginalized groups were listed as all kinds of horrible things, from African Americans to LGBTQ+. People lie to make themselves feel its ok to hate that which they dont like.

You do know people change, right?

DO you remember when all the racists in America lied to themselves and thought horrible things about all African Americans in order to give themselves a reason to hate others? Here is one that some actually let out how they REALLY think

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

  1. Hover mouse over the “General” tab in chat
  2. Right click “General”
  3. Left click “Settings”
  4. Left click “Channels” on the left
  5. Left click the box next to “Trade” to uncheck it.
  6. Click “Okay” at the bottom
  7. Problem solved!

EDIT: or faster method just type in chat /leave 2
Thanks for the reminder on that one :smiley:

Or i mean… /leave 2

That works too. Always forget about that lol :rofl:

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You are trying to conflate prejudice surrounding a skin color, with which one is born and which one cannot reasonably change, and which belongs to broad swathes of the population across a wild range of cultures and backgrounds …

… with a personal choice that can be made by any human being.

Don’t say “your side” because you don’t know what my side is. I’m actually pretty interested in the nuanced analyses of how people are converted to this mindset, how these young men are so brutally radicalized, and what we could do to rescue them from this incredibly poisonous mindset. I do possess a certain amount of empathy for what kind of messed-up situation leads a person to be that desperately hateful of an entire gender. The kind of contempt and vitriol they spew about my gender is horrifying and it did not just birth itself out of nowhere.

But this is not the same as a person’s race, an inborn trait with no bearing on personality or personal ability. This is a social following and a lifestyle. “Incel” is a term they choose to self-identify with, and a culture they choose to engage with, and it is a culture of pure hatred.

You don’t get to just decide it means multiple things when they’ve chosen it for themselves and are pretty clear about what kind of people they want to be.

Do you know its a choice? How do you know? Have you read my post above about disabilities play a factor in some of these decisions?

I keep hearing how all of the mass murders are incels - I bet its not 100%, I would bet its 100% millennials, you know the ones angry every day about how they dont have the same things their parents do. Yeah its a stretch, but for someone of my generation if fits just as well. I see kids shooting up schools while complaining they are mistreated…

Misogyny and misandry are equally horrible and should not be tolerated. Any misogynist should be held accountable for any horrible thing they do, just like any misandrist.

LIke I said, see above about things like being on the Spectrum and how it affects people. Yes, you are born with it and it makes life incredibly difficult.

Imagine being in trade chat or any other zone/server chat

You have no actual argument except some really vague “whataboutism” so I’m gonna move on now. Have a good one, pal!

They are using throw away accounts to see if the contract has teeth…

If it doesn’t things will stay the same, if it does things should get better.

I mean if you are actually interested in this its incrediby simple.

Its the same process used every day for thousands of things. Theres not really any mystery too it.

Its tribalism. The same tribalism that makes the left think they are better than the right, the right think they are better than the left, religious people think they are better than x other religion, or non religion.

The same tribalism that is involved with the local sports team. The same tribalism that makes people “patriotic”.

We have a need to belong. Its a fundamental survival instinct buried deep in us all, we are social animals because we have survived in groups and failed solo. Its a fundamental part of human nature.

When you are ostrasized by a group, you are vulnerable, sad, depressed, these are all natures way of motivating you to be in a group. It is pleasant to have q social group, it is unpleasant not too.

So people form up into groups. Teams, cliques, whatever you want to define them as its all the same.

And once you are in your group theres herd mentality. A desire to stay with your group, to be q part of it. Theres endless studies on this instinctual behavior, but people will sacrifice morals and goals to stay with their group if they identify strongly with the group.

Once you join q group you become protective of that group. The key rival of your sports team suck, they are inhuman scum! Worst team ever! Suck it other sports team!! And that too is instinctual behavior.

So then it simply takes a boogyman. Religion taught us the playbook. You create this monolithic entity, perceived or not, and on that entity you lay all blame. Women, patriarchy, the jews, the rich, satan, etc etc etc. Once you have the entity then you can assign all blame for everything too it. Its not your fault you arnt getting laid, its all womens fault because they only bang “chads” and you arnt a “chad”. Its not your fault you didnt get a raise, i mean you didnt even try for the position and you just started, but nah its the patriarchy. Its not your fault you got a ticket, the cops are just racist, the fact you rolled through the stop sign doesnt even matter, it HAS to be the monolithic entity, NONE of these issues are your fault at all. EVERYTHING BAD THAT EVER HAPPENED is this enitities fault.

And once you accept that, then its not even a minor jump to start dehumanizing anybody you associate with this entity that is doing you harm. Your group supports you, you are all bonded against this monolithic entities evil ways.

And once you start dehumanizing another group, its only a matter of time until there is a violent altercation.

This is all basic human instinct stuff, stuff that our species has used for millenia to survive. Its also the same behavior that has allowed us as a species to commit unimaginable atrocities on one another.

You should read up on how militaries turn average people into a fighting force. How the bonding works during the adversity in basic training, and how thats all on purpose to form that bond. Its all a primal thing inside everybody. It occurs everywhere. In so many things, the only difference is most of the time the dehumanization portion doesnt go very far because theres no need for it.

But pretending you and i are completely different, completely separate, more evolved creatures who could, or would never do these things if put in the same situation ignores psychological reality, and endless history where average people were mobilized and went to war against each other. Thinking its different is just those same mechanisms, that same dehymanization. That same “othering” of an entire group of people.

Thats not to say its acceptable. Or they are not responsible. Its not, they are. But its not some super secret mystery ehat happened either.


Thats exactly what it is. Players wanna play dumb, well here it is.

So when they get that ban, they cant go all pikachu shocked face.

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This is derogatory language which is against the ToS and the social contract you agreed too. You cannot be critical of others, thats the rules. Please stop being toxic.

The radicalization of lonely white boys with vile personalities is not as simple as tribalism, and is also not really the same thing as the psychology behind military training. For one thing, the latter is a highly specialized and weaponized application of the study of human nature. Incel culture is a whole other weird modern internet phenomenon.

There’s actually a lot of really interesting attention being paid to it, and some fascinating literature coming out. I love to read up on psych studies about all sorts of groups.

It’s funny how I just define what a group has chosen for themselves as an identity, and you guys show up telling me about all the assumptions I’ve made (that I haven’t actually made) and dehumanization I’ve done (that I haven’t actually done).

Like, point me to just one place where I said I’m (1) a completely different, separate, more evolved creature; or (2) better than anyone based on my political ideology; or (3) that incels are not human beings. I’ll wait.

It still doesn’t change the fact it’s true. I can be critical of anyone I want and tell them if they are messing up. It’s all how you say it. I vocalize my displeasure with the moderators on these forums quite a bit, and I’m still posting.