Trade Chat is Incredibly Toxic Tonight

Just keep in mind, this is how children process changes they don’t like; eventually they’ll return to baseline.


I call that tab “Nonsense” :laughing:

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The people you’re talking about are usually insane virtue signalers who perpetrate the myth of “cancel culture.” Long story short, they’re victims of social media algorithms designed to keep them angry and “cancelling” other liberals. Meanwhile us liberals are just living life, trying to do the the right things and listen to reasonable comedians.

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I have many times left trade or general chat.
I was also many years into the game before I realized I could put all incoming whispers into their own chat box. Doing this has saved many friendships. lol

I never paid much attention to the chat box and missed tons and tons of whispers. Lost some friends over it that didn’t understand my tunnel vision game play which did not include checking the chat box every few seconds. Others that accepted my genuine apology are still my friends today.

Occasionally I will glance at the public chats and if I see a person asking for help or info, I try to respond to them. I don’t always have the answers, but I can point them in the right direction to find the answer. I have been ignored in the chats before and I know the vacant feeling that can give a person. Or have been met with the typical response of, “Thottbot is your friend.”

You just need to do the thing

So whispers popup as a tab :+1: You still have to look at chat but at least it won’t get pushed up into the void :slight_smile:

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN BAD. It’s a butchering of the French and Spanish words for “black” that were adopted by English-speakers in areas where they kept slaves. That is what it has always been. It has never been a “positive” by the people who used it.

“it used to have a definition before it mean African Americans”

Now THAT is disgenuous and also WRONG.

Your Incels-Are-Marginalized-Too argument was painful to read. Your brain should have been screaming at you for you to stop with each post.

Incels’ entire world view stems from what they believe they’re entitled to that others will not willingly give them. They’re the ones who gave themselves the name “incels” = involuntary celibate. They would be not celibate if the world - and specifically women - wasn’t denying them what they felt they deserved. If they got what they wanted and still didn’t get any action, they they would be “voluntary celibates.”

So, you’re right, whatever agenda you think I have, incels ain’t in it. I’m totally fine with them being purged from WoW’s chat channels. They can take their not-casual misogyny and sexism (and really tired one-liners about women going into the kitchen and making sandwiches for men) and shove it up their fleshlights.

Because Square isn’t being sued by the state of California.

Blizzard is trying to look like it is doing something in the face of a runaway train of misconduct and crap management that the last 10 years seem to have been.

I’m fine with that sort of people being actioned. Let 'em melt down.

But but we have to allow hitler jr to voice his opinions!

The thing is, your average player isn’t going to go around reporting other players for no reason. The people who are going to report other players are the same people who would have done it anyway, social contract or no social contract.

There’s no stopping players from reporting (except to remove the report function), and if you do get reported, it’s not as if you’ll be forever banned the second the report is made. It will have to get reviewed and then will go from there. If it is determined a player was wrongfully reported, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

Nothing is changing from what/how it has already been, the contract is simply reminder. This fear that if you walk up to a person and say ‘hi’ and they’ll report you and you’ll be forever banned is a myth derived by those who either don’t understand the rules or who are p/o’d that they can’t go around harassing other players anymore.

As for people leaving servers… so be it, I say. If people are leaving because they don’t like the idea of having to be nice, then let them go. Their toxicity is not wanted or needed. And if people are leaving en masse due to being harassed, then that is their choice. They shouldn’t have to stick around and accept the abuse just to keep the servers full. And you also have a choice: you can transfer to a more highly populated server. It costs money, sure, $60 is a tall ask. But the option is there.

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Thanks! I have already figured out how to get them into a new box all by themselves. But I do appreciate your time and input. No… really, thank you. Wish some one had told me all this 15 years ago. >.< Hopefully someone else will see your post and do it! :smiley:

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It’s as simple as putting someone on a Ignore list if there are issues. It’s the tool we was given to deal with problematic individuals. It’s up to others to use it rather than feed a fire and cause extra drama.

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You say that you are ok with people leaving now. In the end, you might not be so happy with that feeling. Less items on the AH. Less people to group up with. Queue times are longer. The wow-verse feels dead. You want to give your random buff to strangers, but there are no strangers in sight to cast it on. The only chat you see are the NPC’s that repeat the same thing over and over.

I do not want less people playing the game. I am in full control of what I react to and what I don’t. I can easily ignore something said that I might find questionable. It isn’t going to be the downfall of my day because I am in control of that and I choose not to let it affect me.

I want a robust community with different ideas, thoughts, talents, intellects, coming from a diverse background of races, religions, politics, etc. This is what makes the world go around. Feeling that we all have to conform to some sort of social contract makes the box feel very small. Think outside the box!

All you’re being asked to do is be a decent person. How is that putting anybody “in a box”?

I’d rather play on a server with only 5 other people who are decent than 5000 who are rude and toxic. I value quality over quantity.


That is your choice. You will be a lonely person. I feel sorry for you.

Lonely? Hell… I’m more lonely in a crowd of a thousand people than I am when I’m isolated. No need to feel sorry, I’m not looking for anybody’s pity.

But if you’d rather play in a cesspool of ignorance, hatred, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc., then perhaps you should develop a game where that kind of behavior is allowed because most people don’t tolerate it anymore.

I’ve never thought of it that way.

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Neither had I, until I heard it somewhere :joy:

Honestly though, it makes a lot of sense.

People love to test the parameters of fascism

Lol, it’s the next day and casuals are still reeeee-ing over the “social contract” thing. There’s barely any booster ads, instead it’s almost all “reported” trolling/reeeee-ing. Trade chat is a joke hehe

Just standing around in (Legion) Dalaran waiting for a BG pop, look at these pugs still going at it with flinging false reports at each other in the trade channel :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

Look at that one pug Hunter from the second screen-grab, he says:

…sounds about right :joy:

I see a lot of AotC requests in there. How much is AotC going for on your realm?