Toxic trolls

nope, there are ppl that appear and attack others in their posts, seeking arguments, appear to have nothing better to do in their lives.

I will not be like the OP. I will not make baseless accusations without backing it up.

This is the OP talking about going into another thread to create an argument.

The appeared on another thread, offered nothing to it.

Now wait. This seems familiar.

You showed up, offered nothing to the conversation. Then started attacking people.


They need to take their own advice and self reflect, as from my point of view they are the one who is inflammatory, extraneous, and upsetting.

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Idk what’s up with the thread. Everyone has their troll episodes. It’s the internet lmao. Anyone acting like a saint is a liar.


Our breath is bad but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s toxic


Who are you calling a troll, you lint licker?


… Wouldn’t go that far. Some people are able to control themselves.

Hating Haters is Hate Speech.

There’s some toxic trolls in zul farrak. Go get em.

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Look on much some ppl love seeking arguments, they won’t let any opportunities slip out of their fingers, even in the post criticizing about their behaviors, it’s comical.

Criticizing people is also a form of trolling, friend.


Who actually gives a flying squid about the forums? Blizzard can’t even focus on fixing their game, which is what matters.

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Yes I agree.

You are what is known as a ‘baiter’ type, Your activity logs show you spending entire days baiting folks in the forums. You are good at it I’ll give you that.

My contribution in this toxic trolls thread is to point out that what you do is a form of trolling. Others can know not to respond to these kinds of trolls.

Now on to my ignore feature.


Go ahead and make an “all heterosexual thread” and see what happens. It gets shut down every time, mostly because people spam it with nonsense just to get it shut down. Makes you think who does that, hm?

That’s called being one sided bud.


The literally looks like a Facebook post.

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It’s so funny people say stuff like this and then the threads still exist a month+ later. Maybe your threads die off because you actually don’t have anything you want to talk about as a collective group.

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Find me one and i’ll apologize.

I don’t need you to apologize because I don’t really care about you

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Thank you for proving you have 0 evidence to back up your earlier statement. Have a wonderful day.