Toxic trolls

No. I want to be on the same page.

You made an accusation. That I made up stuff. I would like to make amends if I stated something wrong. So could you please point it out?

Being unable to do so makes me feel you are actually the one making stuff up.


nowhere did I “make and accusation” bud lol you literally said that I think anyone that doesn’t agree with me is a troll and I never once said that I am talking about the people that just make up excuses and claim “skill issue” at least read stuff dude

This is an accusation.

Can you show me where I said that? When I do a search in this thread for the word “agree”, this will be the first time I used the word in our entire conversation.

not an accusation as much as call it how I see it but an accusation would be like oh you don’t know how to read XD

Ok. So can you show me this

Are toxic trolls a race of trolls that spent too much time around toxic waste?

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OP what we have on these forums couldn’t even be considered trolls. They’re a bunch of tryhard little SNERTS who think they’re trolling.

We Millennials taught them the correct way to troll but instead of heeding our training, they merely swat at low-hanging fruit with a stick.

I didn’t fight in the trenches of the Sega/Nintendo Wars just so some little dingbat with a Bluetooth-infused Maytag could spew rotting vitriol from their endless maw.

Half of these kids wouldn’t last five minutes in an Xbox Live chat…


There are trolls and fake trolls. then there are fake virtue signaling people who create posts just light fire under trolls feet and vice versa. Pretty much tit for tat post vs post type of methodology going on.


Agreed, all it takes is mass reporting of a benign comment and poof you’re silenced, at least that has been my experience anyway.

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A psychology study finds that internet trolls (people who engage in trolling) are more likely to have dark triad personality traits. Narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy are the dark triad traits. A fourth trait that trolls often have is enjoying schadenfreude.

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1- containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation.

2- exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis

3-extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful

Direct insults usually have been punished, that’s not trolling though.

4-saying anything truthful that doesn’t sit well with the other party


accidentally having an opposed opinion on other ppl’s post is one thing, deliberately seeking arguments is another.

Imo OP was the one deliberately seeking arguments when they felt it was appropriate to make a thread using a blanket statement against forum users (can also be seen as bait) and then actively engaged in arguing with anyone who responded.

But hey. We’re the trolls. For sure. :wink:


if you want to be part of it then ok I will include you too, ppl like you make some others feel the way OP is feeling, so maybe do some self reflection instead of attempting to shut down ppl’s feelings, like the troll u are

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OP admitted to going into another thread to deliberately seek out an argument.

You inserted yourself in this to deliberately seek out an argument.


you Akston, has been in numerous amounts of useless arguments on other’s posts to the point that I remember your avatar and name, OP is pointing you out and you are STILL here arguing.

Thats fine.

But will you acknowledge that the OP has admitted to going into another thread to seek arguments?

everyone i disagree with is a troll and other tricks how to gas light yourself on the internet