Toxic trolls

Well, at least you are letting your true colors come out.

I guess when you posted this.

You were just referring to yourself.


people who dont agree with me and people who i do not like = toxic and trolling.


lol whatever lie you need to tell yourself bud but your feelings don’t change reality but thanks for being a prime example of exactly what I am talking about :slight_smile:

For the record. Who called who a bag of something or another?


100% agree, the environment of this forum is toxic, ppl are not allowed to say anything, there are trolls that will follow you around and flame you no matter what you say, there is no way to stop them currently

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Use the ignore feature.


ya like that worldpvp guy he legit follows me around because he’s just sad smh

These ppl are roaming this forum, trying to score the wins of their day, kinda sad really.

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These are valid responses that the game director has said himself. Some things are in fact skill issues and not every instance of someone saying that is trolling.

Is that like making the same thread every 3 days, trying to score your wins too?

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This Akston is one of the trolls, and there is a D druid, when they pop up, remember their names, wait till it is bannable.


Yes, I had the audacity to disagree with you.


you literally make stuff up that nobody said to “win” the argument dude lol just stop and move on honestly like you said you can ignore people so if you don’t like what i or others say just ignore and move on

how do you know?

common sense? critical thing? idk XD

If I made something up I apologize. Could you point it out?

see? these ppl will try to flare you up and have a full day full on argument with you, they have nothing better to do, just remember their names.

proofread your stuff and think about it XD it’s their bud :wink:

I have been active on the forums for many years and I have rarely had any of the experiences you complain about.

People who disagree with an opinion are not necessarily trolling, and ‘toxic’ is an overused term. There is a difference between not agreeing and being offensive. I try to keep one thing in mind here: address the topic and not the person. Sometimes its difficult because people can be nasty but if it starts heading that way I generally mute the post and move on.


it’s neither though, it’s a theory with 0 actual facts to back it up.

you have no idea if someone got their buddies to stpam report your post.

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