Toxic trolls

What did you think asking that was going to add to the conversation?

Just did a check. I dont think they were actually talking about their grindr apps in the way you are wanting to imply here.

Here’s what I’ve found out recently. Retail turned in a direction that I no longer find appealing. Not the first time, happened in BfA as well, is what it is…

So to get my WoW fix, I’ve turned to Classic. Holy crap that game is busy, even on Antish. Dalaran is packed, low level zones are filled with players leveling, and BC has a good bit of activity.

Last night I was on my 66 hunter in Nagrand. I had to kill Hements last objective. I didn’t even have to call for help, a 74 warrior landed at the same moment. We grouped up and killed it.

I then asked if he needed Durm. He said no, but would help. He didn’t meet the prerequisites for the quest, but helped anyway. First attempt he died, my pet died, and I narrowly escaped death, thank you shadowmeld. He came back, switched to tank, and we killed it. This guy got nothing other than my thanks for helping me out and was happy to do it.

That’s the difference between Retail and Classic. On Classic, people are willing to help each other without getting something for themselves. Retail has turned into me me me, go go go, and it sucks.


That angers me to no end. It’s such garbage. Why do they get to talk about WHATEVER they want? Talk about one sided.


If someone disagree’s with your opinion, they should be instantly perma-banned for trolling. I vote we make the the OP the head moderator of general discussion.

What is troll?

Blizzard probably won’t. But a lot of discord communities have popped up to serve the niche. Class discords are particularly fun!

Its not one sided. Anyone can create a lounge thread for any demographic. And people have. They just arent popular and die off.

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My husband Plays Wrath on Mankrik. It is VERY busy server…
Guilds and pugs are nothing but Parsing play. He is not into that type of play style an cannot find a decent guild doing things as a team work guild. Pugs are just as bad. some people play the right way and others play the parsing game.
Guilds hold you to your parsing numbers before they even try you out.
I listen to this all the time since he won’t quit Wrath. Udular runs are a joke. These are things I have heard him say. over and over. Classic may be different but Wrath is a mess.

they delete messages bud lol I legit saw someone talking about how they where getting pic on there app and they make a new page if people start to report them lol you can try to claim things all you want but that simply proves my point more

Who deletes messages?

I agree, they got me banned in the past for talking about community issues with the mass reporting tactic.

the alphabet army people lol

They delete their own messages?

yes??? is that surprising? XD

So I am not sure what you are complaining about.

Something was posted that someone felt shouldnt be…they didnt want to get reported. So they deleted their own post.

Isn’t that working as intended?

ahh yes classic I don’t like that I have nothing logical to argue with you so going to say you are complaining argument XD and if they are doing nothing wrong why do you need to defend them? I got called all sorts of nasty things simply by asking why they need a forum to talk about their personal sexual lives on a video game forum, yet I got in trouble that is plain and simple bias can’t argue bud.


Did I say something wrong? Arent you here complaining that people in the thread were deleting their own posts?

I am not defending anyone. I think everyone should delete their posts if they feel they posted something that breaks the rules.

What did you think you would accomplish by going into that thread and asking that?

Honestly. I just dont believe you. You havent really given me any reason to.

People called you names. Allegedly. Can’t back up that claim, because they deleted their posts. Which were apparently the same ones they were posting screen shots of their grindr app? Allegedly.

You are making a lot of accusations that cant be verified, and admitting to go into another thread to troll.


Op’s post history calls a lot of people and groups trolls.

When you find yourself surrounded by trolls, maybe you should look closer to home. You might be surprised to find that the troll was within you all along.

I am not telling you what you did or did not experience. I am just saying that you do not make a credible witness.

When you mention the bias mods, and people allegedly being mean to you for trolling their thread…that is you complaining.

People participate in the conversation? Thats horrible.

I would suggest you edit that.

As someone that is against toxic trolling, I am quite sure you didnt mean to start slinging vulgarities at people.


just because you feel something is a way doesn’t make it that way XD and no not going to edit anything but thanks :slight_smile: