Toxic trolls

It’s weird to make a thread about toxic trolls… when you are a toxic troll.


Oh yeah today is Sunday.


how am i a toxic troll?

Told you, lol.

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What you think is a troll and there are numerous regulars here that get a free pass to be rude and nothing ever happens to them. These mods don’t care.


Not wrong. I made a positive post about making goals for yourself and that the sky is the limit. I got so many flags that my post got taken down. Next day a moderator unflagged it and put it back up.

Couldn’t believe how many people flagged a positive post encouraging players.


Just try saying something even moderately offensive here and see what happens. Again, actual insults meant to rile up people. Not disagreements or people being mildly annoyed.


but people get mildly annoyed or disagree and they get their buddies to spam report your post to take it down lol that’s the people I am talking about.

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I wish I could be one of those free pass regulars.

There are the rp open world explorers, the collectors, and the elite turds, cant win em all but the elite turds do like to be verbally loud

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Reading the forums is for everyone not just the people who post the most. Trolling can be subjective . When I read a thread and I if I see slight rude remarks to others in a cute manner- I will speak my mind. I am amazed at some of the posts that are blocked, and don’t have a clue why. We all must remember the age difference among all posters is most likely vast.
We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of different subjects. That doesn’t mean someone is trolling if they disagree.
Threads on an open forum are not immune to others looking in…or making comments .
Regulars are not the forum police nor should they try. We all have a place here.
The posts that really need to be BANNED IMHO are the ones coming into a WoW forum and boasting about other games. Those are the most Toxic of all… Laurel~

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I don’t understand why blizzard listens to the “elite turds” honestly, it’s extremely unhealthy for the game.

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The open world explorers are equally loud.

How do they listen to them?

And what exactly is an “elite turd”.

Ikr? I got away with calling someone a blue waffle!

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If they wanted to they would have done it already. They really don’t care.

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It’s hilarious the things you can say and the things you cant say. I said the word nerd not to long ago and got a vacation lol. It’s hilarious. Then we have people around here say some nasty things like you and nothing happens.

it’s hilariously one-sided and groomed to the new culture. Some pictures are now freakin bowls of fruit for god sakes.


I think the trolls are venomous, not toxic, they have to bite you, you don’t get sick just when you lick them

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I made a post the other day and half the replies called me a troll and my post was silenced. Not even 2 minutes later Blizzard unsilenced me and saved me. So IMO the CMs/GMs do sometimes look out for you. My post was 100% serious and clowns who disagreed just said I was a troll… It was pathetic LOL


I offer myself as a test subject.