Toxic trolls in forums

This is why the monks ability to detox is great in the forums!


You would think my fellow generation would teach their children this skill! What did we do? How did we fail our children?

There are some here. I notice a total of 18 who post to either inflame or stroke people. If I understand what my professor said it these type of personality that get a internal satisfaction from it. It way for them to have a out let for something. he tends to go on. In short they enjoy it. sadly they just keep posting. Some sense I started here in Oct. it really sad. But I enjoy some of other response. Some poster are very snarky.

BTW never go to school in late 40. Those youngster are too helpful.

We live in a toxic society. Don’t blame the forums when people from that society post in them.

Are any of us real? I’m are not a snake wearing a person suit? So many questions.

Some people are trolls. Others just can’t get over themselves. Telling the difference I find is watching a subject over an extended period of time.

For instance myself. You might not like what I say, and I may not like what you say. But in the end I am not a troll just a person with an opinion and perhaps too inclined to wave it around.

Nah mon.

In all honesty I’m disappointed in the fact that I’m the first troll poster in this thread.

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People with no sense of humour have their sense of self-importance heightened.

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Sadly, that’s what we’ve come to these days. Same with “white knight” and “shill.” It’s just a way to insult people who don’t agree with stuff.

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Can we ban the word toxic please?

Maybe wow is just a toxic griefer game from the ground up. I mean you can’t even ignore people properlly in this game. The cap it at 50 players? No wonder people want to give up on it. Such toxicness. They actually support toxic people i think.

Agreed, it’s kind of like the word ‘racist/sexist’ these words have been expanded further and further to the point where they no longer have meaning.

For the record, when I said the word ‘toxic’ in the past, I was referring to the following player;

Someone that shames you for doing bad dps, insults you for being a crap player, and insults you for your bad scores. That was it, that was the definition. There was nothing outside of this definition; because these were the only players I encountered that annoyed me you see. Someone spouting rubbish in trade while half-drunk was not someone I ever considered toxic, just a minor annoyance.

To be toxic to me, you have to insult people for their bad dps, you have to insult them for their bad logs, bad gear, that kind of thing…you see in my mind, there is nothing outside of this bubble, the word toxic in this bubble and all the people that insult your bad dps/heals are in this bubble. That’s it.

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That would be a hilarious conclusion to that stupid fad.

“We need to ban all these toxic players and their toxic hate speech words.”

“We need to ban the word “toxic” it has become too…” CRITICAL ERROR.

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Same with the word toxic. Both are totally meaningless here.


If you watch GD, you’ll notice that the most toxic people are the ones that feel the need to defend Blizzard’s every action.

If this were the junk food industry and we were on the Hershey forums, and I created a post to talk about how terrible the new spinach flavored chocolate bar was, you’d see 5 posts of people telling me

  • to get gooder taste buds
  • learn to taste
  • those are human beings with feelings that created that candy
  • people that enjoy spinach might disagree, how dare you
  • go find another chocolate company if you don’t like it

Etc etc.

The critique and opinion isn’t the “toxicity”.

Just my observation.

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Trolls are only funny to you and all the others like you, so go play wow with them lol. I’ll just speak for all the other people who don’t care that you miss out on a lot of fun people by being a total a**hole, probably you do in RL as well…

Yeah pretty much, you’d think people would have something better to do with their time then troll online. Sad.