Toxic trolls in forums

No you have the wrong place.
I would not want you to give up.

What would be the odds of?

Seeing a flying pig that could not fly at the same time as dingging 98 on a Shaman… The other person was also 96 bloodelf…sorry forgot the multiple. 5:45am-6:20am in Frostfire wod…

Back in 04 and 05, it was common knowledge that disagreeing = trolling because people and mods didn’t know the difference.

It can be, but in general (discussion, swidt?), no. It’s not that bad.


Op needs to define the two words

Toxic and troll :rofl::rofl:

Hahaha so you report my post as spam to blizzard? You sure showed me


Not so much, but once the Zandalari’s are released, expect it to increase substantially :stuck_out_tongue:

New World forums are worse.


3 Years later

cough cough

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Nothing worse than a bitter troll.

Except maybe an edgy Forum Necro lord disguised as a void elf hunter




But, THIS is why blizzard needs to delete post that are idle for 6 months, like they do on the Classic forums.

The forums during Cataclysm and MoP were so much worse. These new trolls are too tame, IMO.

Anyone remember the “be seeing you” guy?


The content droughts had people thirsty for tears back then


Trolls like taco bell, too. No, need to make it personal.

It’s not really bad ,we do have some from time to time but for the most part,nah.

Mega super necro! Necro has gone ultra instinct! Also… those old posters :cry:

Nope, its not that bad. However there is a group or person who likes to control what is said on the forums. They seem to hate any criticism of the game or certain political view other then their own.

They’ll do everything they can to forum silence you, its quite pathetic.

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i’ve been here since cata and no it really is not that bad. the bad ones are usually the ones with insane post counts looking to argue at any chance they get. I’d say for the most part these boards are pretty chill.