Toxic players MC/fear off Boats

Aww you’re sad

brandon… just stay below decks! The Captain’s quarters should be your best bet to not get mc’d or feared off the top deck. Why is it so hard for you to do that? Stop it with your nonsense.

I misread this thread and thought it was going to about being afraid of boats, not being feared off of them. I am afraid of boats. I always get distracted and start reading something and before I know it I’ve made 3 round trips and have to force myself to focus.


actually happens on PVE realms too during the blood moon. Thats why they added the turn off flag npc at rachet.

I dont understand why PVE realms you have to OPT out of blood moon. it should be on PVE realm you have to OPT IN.

this. you either embrace the toxicity or stay away :expressionless:

Let’s take everything that’s fun out of SOD and then complain that it’s not fun.

Nobody plays on pvp servers for a reason

This reaction is exactly why they do this.

Its also exactly why i spend hours in Hillsbrad killing lowbies.

This is only “Fun” for the person MCing the other player!!! there is no REWARD for doing this in game no honor you purposely grief anther player and use an exploit to do so. This is why it should be bannable or at the very least suspendable offense. PvP is fun but this is just toxic and blizz really needs to do something about this.

I would rather that than someone from my own faction buffing me with stamina as i jump off the zepp to UC. it hurts everytime.

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Blizzard gave me an ability and I’m going to use it. If they didn’t want me to use it they could unflag people on the boat.

Or you can reroll on a PVE server.

So your exploiting the game for your own enjoyment to grief other players. i really hope a GM sees this and takes action!!!

Sounds like you enjoy safe spaces, get over it man.
there is better hills to die on.

If by exploiting you mean using the abilities in my spell book in a way that is 100% consistent with the rules of a PVP server you’re correct.

as someone that regularly mind controls people off the boat: Keep crying. It’s why I do it.

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oh no PvP happened on a PvP server

Just report them. Its griefing.

I have fun with the antiMC counterplay

A mind control interaction off of something to die is NOT pvp, otherwise you wouldnt have been hit with a ban for doing it on hc to the death duels.

Boats are like a mini warzone, so my recommendation would be to put on your pvp gear, pvp trinket, fight for your life and learn to use line of sight. We are in a pvp server after all and you are free to attack them before they attack you, or have more players with you to kill them first/make them leave the boat.