Toxic players MC/fear off Boats

even more toxic because all little dorks rerolled shadow priests for p2.

I find you toxic mods plz ban


Classic just isn’t aimed at people like you OP. One type of player laughs heartily when it happens to them, the other goes on the forum and cries.

Also, pvp trinket.


That is hilarious!

Gen Z has entered the chat. Gen Z is not happy that something doesnt make him happy. Gen Z can think of no better way to deal with this problem then to cancel his opponent.

Gen Z is Gen Z. poor Gen Z.


Maybe don’t roll on a PvP server if you don’t want to suffer PvP

You can stand in a good corner inside to prevent this from happening. If you aren’t taking necessary precautions on a hostile PvP server you kind of deserve to get griefed. What your describing is completely avoidable.


It’s even funnier when they /pat and /shh you when the boat takes off, sweetly consoling you as you meet the fate you know is coming.

Like lambs to the slaughter.


Isnt this thread from 2004?

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Lol rekt.

Welcome to Classic.

Roll rogue and distract them off boat ledge and /lol

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It’s not pvp when you get on the boat in rachet and you can’t retaliate because the priest isn’t tagged until you are already MC’d. This is griefing and should be permabanned

PVP servers are for nothing other than neckbeard virgins who physically can’t get out of their basements to grief other people and feel good about themselves.

This is intended by the devs. Priests would not be able to MC players if it wasn’t, like how Paladins can’t use anti-undead skills on undead players.

MC breaks before you “fall” but they exploit the jump mechanic to get around it. It is exploiting and griefing

because they’re running the person outside of the MC cast range. MC has been used to run people off cliffs for 20+ years and Blizz has done nothing.


I made a character just for this cause. Enjoy the swim, its good for you.

That’s f’ing hilarious. I know what I’ll be having my priest friend macro into his MC now

Wild Growth is a great PVE server I hear, you should try it out OP.

PvP rewards you with HONOR fear bombing and MCing people off boats doesnt do anything expect grief the player!!! there is no in game reward for doing it. so is it really PVP?

this is why it should be bannable or suspendable offense because theyre knowingly using an exploit to grief other players!!!