Toxic players MC/fear off Boats

Reported for encouraging false reports

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exactly this people think its not tho they think its funny!!!

Show me where it says its false to report griefing.

False reports? when people purposely exploit the game to grief other players is not a false report “griefing” is 100% against the TOS

“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.”

Report them. When you get an email you from blizzard you will know you are justified.

Except they aren’t exploiting, and blizzard has never taken action for those types of activities

But good luck with your report

This is incorrect.

Or can you still snipe people on top of gadgetzan?

Have you tried playing on PVE? it seems pvp isnt for you…

Thats not pvp, its griefing

As a troll priest I made a macro just for it actually. Never relax on the boat.

/cast Berserking
/cast [@mouseover] Mind Control

This is hilarious, Go cry me river LoL

Have you ever done real pvp? Because thats not it.

Maybe this isnt right for you.

lol besides you addmiting to enjoying griefing other players your name does violate the TOS to

Thats what I thought your response would be.

Actual braindeath in the flesh, amazing.

Then report man, honestly embrace your inner Karen.

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Its quite the fitting name for you though.

preist also MC other players in bgs and make them exit the bg and give them a deserter debuff and which also anther form of girefing maybe blizz should just remove MC from world pvp and bg pvp and only allow it in arena and instances because players are being toxic with this spell

I like it when priests try it.

Trinket and cave their face in.

Oh look I quote the ToS and the trolls scatter, how quaint.

Anyhow, report often and as needed when this happens.