Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

I also played TBC and enjoyed the hell out of it as well … However, I would have to disagree on re-releasing TBC. I’m one of those new Classic content supporters … I want to see Classic 2.0, Classic+ etc. Not a re-release of all prior expansions leading up to Cataclysm.

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The top guilds don’t matter, it’s the average player.

Most of us are going to do MC and Ony, maybe BWL, hell some of us might chip away at AQ40 or Naxx too, but that’s not gonna happen overnight.

People talk about how much easier retail is, or how much easier Vanilla is.
If that stuff was easy, even back in the day how come only 2% of guilds globally managed to down KT? It’s not a matter of “We’re better at the game now”, because they were all top tier players.

It’s a matter of most people that play video games in general are bad.
We’re going to see average joes get worked trying to do the levelling dungeons.

Hell, as far as 4H in naxx:
You need 5 geared tanks to do it.
Unless guilds are borrowing each other’s tanks and taking “off weeks” on Naxx(like they did in vanilla), I don’t expect anyone to walk into Naxx and walk out with KT’s head within a month of it opening up.

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I’m going to be honest here man, I can’t even STRESS the number of times I heard; “Thottbot it”.

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I mean yes obviously its going to be different for the average player (like myself) as compared to the top of guilds. Though considering this is going to be a stagnant game there will definitely be higher % of players going into and completing naxx in its lifespan this time around, I do not think theres any argument against that.

However the top guilds are certainly gonna steamroll the raids lol

Eh i remember a lot of r14 being extremely bad lol.
I hate arenas but people whom play there were actually skilled.

I’m being honest here.
I don’t care about top tier guilds.
I don’t care if they get world firsts in an old game that’s already been beaten, like what’re the bragging rights? “WE WERE THE FIRST TO DOWN RAG… 15 years later!”

I just wanna have fun, all the elitist nonsense can stay on retail.


ahhhhh, now I see the true reason behind your delusional statements, you’ve already assigned the game to dead status.

Condolences, I think you’re going to be very surprised in a years time, on multiple topics.

Its a game that does not have any future developments planned for it. Everyone knows the beginning and the end. Its stagnant. Thats not saying its gonna be a dead game.


Implying people didn’t talk more shad back in vanilla, banter is the lifeblood of online gaming. If you get pale and sweaty from general chat you should have seen some of the drama on the server forums before the “toxic police” turned everything into bland unfun guild recruitment boards. If you want your safespace sit on discord with your friends and turn off the in game chat. No one gave a crap about people talking shart back then and they won’t care now.

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Vanilla was extremely toxic in a lot of ways… If you were in any form of a high end guild, you weren’t even allowed to party up with another guild to run a dungeon. Elitism was 100x worse back then than it is today.

This is a pipe dream, they will find groups just fine and will even form guilds just fine. Vanilla was full of these people and they mostly all found guilds and accomplished things like everyone else.

Not going to lie, for the first year or so of vanilla, I was extremely toxic. I was a ~17 year old punk, but I never had problems finding groups or getting into guilds. I even got into the second best guild on our server and went on to clear AQ40 and Naxx…

It also doesn’t have future developments ruled out either. The game is far from being placed in or starting from a caretaker mode.

I would argue that once Blizzard has concrete numbers and see’s just how popular Classic is, we might see Retail go into a stall as they shift back to what made them famous.

Sure retail might be made better cause of classic, but the classic playerbase is not gonna allow this game to change. It is stagnant.

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Because of time gates and because TBC was launched 3 months after naxx, the average plyar couldnt finish it raiding 1/2 times a week lol
Hardest thing about naxx was that it forced very different setups you NEEDED shadow priests and moonkins for instances and at least 6 well geared tanks. And a good amount of FR gear in three tanks too.

The difficulty in retail isn’t the setup it’s the fights themselves, timers, and much more punishing mechs.

The average player didn’t went soo far because he didn’t have time nor wanted to schedule with 40 people to play a video game. Actually the average player didn’t do anything beyond pugging some MC and farming pvp at high end content. That if they didn’t stop before farming all the 10 man dungeons and etc, because it does take a good amount of time.
The average player doesn’t do heroic raiding in retail nor m+ 10 runs either let alone rated pvp.

… I don’t trust blizzard enough to touch anything, let alone create content for classic. I’d rather just see BC / WotLK, because I know those expansions were good. I have zero faith blizzard can make anything even remotely decent nowadays… and as much as I appreciate these classic devs, and how well they’ve replicated things from the past… It’s a lot easier to essentially port something over than to create it yourself (though Omar had been apart of the team back then).

Would take Kevin Jordan being hired back and maybe some of the other people for me to have any kind of interest in something like that.

I didn’t see many toxic people on Alliance side during the Pre-Launch/Stress Test, people were helping everyone else out quite a bit.

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Ummm, have you forgotten the legendary Barrens Chat bro? Take off nostalgia glasses and smell the roses. Toxic players have always part of wow, are part of wow, and will be part of wow. The sooner you’ll realize that and accept it, the easier and more enjoyable your gaming experience will be.

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If they brought back Tigole and Furor, it might be good.

Understandable. It was happening when I was on, wasn’t saying it was happening everywhere. There was only maybe 5 people total that were doing it when I was playing it

Yeah, I get what you’re saying, I just wanted to point out that it could simply be a Horde thing for Classic, but I’m waiting to see before I say anything else on Classic’s community’s toxicity.

The average player didn’t even clear BWL brosef.
Most guilds didn’t even see Naxx unless they were hardcore, and of the hardcore only 2% actually finished it.