Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

This is why I kinda wish we were getting the pre-nerf Vanilla raids(Where possible. Some bosses were broken and unbeatable when they were first released. See: C’Thun). MC was 2-3x as hard as it is in the nerfed state we’re getting.

The 5 man mythic + higher keystones are harder than vanillas 5 man dungeons.

That reminds me of the time when one of the top raiding guilds on my original realm and BT geared, wiped in Kara.

They got a lot of crap for that in Trade.

Sorry, I disagree strongly.

When you’ve experienced organizing and raiding with 40 people in say Naxx, get back to me about this.

Retail and it’s easy mode all classes self heal etc is a joke compared to Original content and the difficulty it could pose.

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Pretty much.

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Unfortunately the beta never got to test out the raids to see if tuning needed to happen despite the nochangers.

You have no idea how accurate you actually are. TOXIC Griefing Late Night Raiding Guild LFM

The content itself. The fights are much harder. The 5 mans are harder as well. I aint gonna change your mind but even those who did both at the highest level say its true.


People was just as toxic back then. Only difference was everyone wasn’t as soft and easily offended as they are today. Why it SEEMS like people are only toxic now.

People have short memories, especially after having only experienced easy mode wow in retail for the last 10 years.

As I said, go do some 40 man naxx, then get back to us.


I must have missed the post where CRZ and sharding aren’t going to be part of Classic.

Can you link that please so I can read it. That will be awesome if true.

And youve likely never done a mythic raid or mythic dungeon so you probably have nothing to even compare your vanilla experience to. You’re just salty against retail is all lol


It is the internet that is toxic. Nothing is going to change with classic from what it is now.

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The game is based off of the 1.12 build, so I’m assuming all the pre-Naxx raid nerfs have been applied.
Ie: Some bosses in MC being weaker, The Rag encounter itself being easier to more predictable lava bursts and them doing less damage.

You can see all the changes in the changelogs, and I will not be surprised to see them using those as the basis for the raids.

I’m honestly surprised they’re requiring attunements for MC and Ony, those were dropped in like 1.5 or 1.6

I have not personally, no, i freely admit that.

I have on the other hand experienced the astounding ease at which everything in the game happens with in Retail, and have an RL friend who still regularly raids current end game and has for the last 4 years, which I have watched numerous times ( he was the one who coincidentally told me about Classic returning ).

Retail is an utter and complete joke, so many are going to have a big dose of reality.

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We’re talking the hardest content in each aspect of the game… If you wanna talk leveling? Yeah, vanilla is harder. Many different things in vanilla is harder than retail, however the hardest content in the game goes to retail.


And thats whether youre talking raids or 5 man dungeons. PVP likely goes to vanilla cause of R14.


please stop before I wet myself laughing, seriously…

and again thank you, I haven’t laughed like this today until now.

I mean you’re only making yourself look worse. The top retail guilds and pserver guilds are gonna make 4H look like childs play. They wouldn’t be able to do that on mythic tho.


Is it confirmed the attunements are still in?