Toxic players in retail are going to get a life lesson in classic

yeah thottbot it or would give people the wrong info, or a sarcastic answer

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The average player doesn’t do Heroic Raiding, M+ 10 runs or Rated PVP in Retail because all three of those have really crappy people in them, not to mention there are alot of really bad players playing Rated PVP nowadays, at least in RBGs for Horde there is.

Heroic Raiding tends to not be possible for the average player because pretty much every group out there wants AoTC within a week or two of the content releasing, and not every guild raids at times or days that people can make.

M+ 10 runs are well, bleh, everyone focuses on Raider IO for whether someone is good or bad, which is smart but they rely too much on Raider IO, I’ve seen people with really good IOs be utter crap, and vice versa, with people with really bad IOs be really good.

I wouldve quit it by now lol i don’t think he wants to discuss just toxic it.
Thrashing retail difficulty by not playing the difficult content is like saying vanilla is soo boring and easy because you finished deadmines. Come on.
Sure the leveling is easier but its 120 levels and whitout heirlooms nor WM buff it’s still 5-6 days played to get 120 as a new player, with less boring quests but at times a lonely world(retail have what 50-60 areas? kinda hard to pop all of it)
About Naxx(basically the last raid three months before TBC) he couldv’e just watched it

It was by no means an impossible raid, but the time gating to gear more tanks and get more healers and some completely useless specs outside naxx were there.

I dont get many of these people one thing i sure miss in vanilla was how mroe simple stuff was, if i wanted to go full hardcore i would just play retail.

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Sorry but from what I’ve seen of the classic communities behaviour on private servers they’re just as bad.

99% of the crap that people pull nowdays wouldn’t have flown back then.


Part of the reason not everyone saw Naxx was also because of when Naxx released in relation to BC coming out, I mean, to clear Naxx in the timespan of June to December of the same year? that’s a pretty huge feat if you ask me given the amount of time you’d have to take to gear up, learn the fights and then clear those fights.

Mind you, that’s also private servers, which are notorious for having really bad apples in them.

Yes you stated that.
It was more the fact that most people were still working on MC if they even raided at all when TBC was released, not the timing of the Naxx release.

Only the hardcore guilds pushed content. The casual guilds ran MC, ZG, and maybe AQ20.

Sorry for long post. Few thoughts to help the retail vs old vanilla “toxic” player topic: (Why are there posts about content difficulty and TOP TIER GUILDS!!)

-Just as many rude sh!ts played vanilla but we didn’t have a clear understanding of repercussion back then. No lower limit was set… just a ban limit for the outrageous bad. The lower limit (crap actions = 0 repercussions) in retail now is too high when it was socially dealt with in vanilla. <- This creates OP’s repeated topic.

-If you played a lot and acted “toxic” in vanilla you became known VERY quickly as the servers were siloed. This is… loot theft, griefing, deserting, afking maliciously. Character actions like… attitude were also known but not as associated with toxic as it is now.

-A open mic in ventrilo was taboo to the point of raid kick and even talking in a raid if you were not a lead, tank, or healer was not encouraged unless farm content and having fun. I raided with people for a few years never hearing them talk once. If you also messaged the raid leader constantly… count your days.

-Open vent drama was a HUGE no. 39 people do not want to hear 1 person.

-Most guilds had rules in regards to talking in general. Ours was… don’t. Often broken rule but it existed for a reason even back then.

-“Loot Drama means kick” in retail wow is like a minor misdemeanor that wont follow you… “loot drama means kick in 40 man classic” is like a felony. Progression guilds will talk to each other more and follow up on you.

I see many… “toxic police”, sensitive, get thicker skin, pale and sweaty from general posts. In this day, do any really think sensitivity is the issue? Seriously? My thoughts scare me. I hate seeing IN GAME social vomit that is then justified by my level of acceptance or game allowance. Vanilla was not perfect but the community helped in this area.


If by “follow up on” you mean gladly poach you.

Only to an extent.

People seem to like making things that are a small influence seem like a much greater one just because, “it existed.”

It is true that some players were toxic back then, but overall it was pretty good on most servers because of the small enclosed realms and the lack over sharding that allows people to never see each other again basically.

Toxicity will exist still, there are examples of ninja looters, greedy people, campers, and other bad bahaviors for sure. Some individuals made it their mission to be the most hated even. But OVERALL, yes the servers were and likely will still be fairly well mannered in comparison to retail with its detached culture the games design has cultivated now…

Just don’t expect the toxicity to be completely gone, especially not at first when people are just settling into the classic mindsets and communities, fresh from the toxic retail version and other games.

Lol… cannot argue this at all. Well said. But, I have also seen… my GM give a bad review on a player and it backlashes.

You can’t be bad at high ratings. Which is the point.

Same thing couldv’e been said about classic raids too lol.
They don’t for a variety of reasons.

Yet when you invite someone whom didnt do any H fights he keeps dying or wiping the raid, not fun. I mean you don’t want to bring several ret pallies to deal damage to vael when all you can have is one for that.
You simply cant be bad to finish it, because ca’t carry people tilla large chunk of the team overgear it hard.

Yet on average i get much more runs done with IO than whitout it. Which is the point of it. If the high rated players is doing poorly that’s usually because well it’s not a good day, whereass constanty low rated players are simple always making mistakes. On average.

I don’t believe the uses of addons are the issue anyway, just look at mechagon release and how the forum got mad because even though it had no timer or whatover related to m+ people couldn’t finish it because they died too much.

Not because of its difficulty though which is what you stated but because of time gates throughout the raid and honestly not many people wanted to go for it just so they could replace everything by 70 blues.
There was also the fact that guilds just disbanded, when that happens progress ceases and when naxx launched maaaany guilds had been disbanded.

Less than 2% of players still kills the mythic bosses on raids even though you can farm 440 gear by running 10+ all day.

Accepting a poach attempt ( as the one being poached ) was enough to cause your server rep to dip hugely, and guilds that did actively poach also got bad rep that resulted in a dent to their ability to attract players and/or form other partnerships.

Iv’e seen many guild partnerships almost instantly fold when one side tried to poach anyone from the other side and got caught. Similarly, if someone even left a guild, that typically blocked them from joining the partnership guild just because it could be perceived as a poach.

Dude the realm population is going to be 8 times bigger than Vanilla was. Poaching will not be an issue at all unless it’s a thunderfury tank.

Yeah you start to see the same people over and over. I was just playing on a vanilla server and its true that the people with bad reps never got invited to the good raids. Theu would ruin it. Infact people are sometimes very picky who they bring because they dont wanna end up with someone who doesnt know squat. The majority of GOOD PLAYERS wont be toxic i think. Its usually noobs that are really toxic

Don’t know where you got that from.

There was a post by the dev’s stating they have the hardware ability to take populations to several times what they were in 2006, but they have only upped the population limits by around 50% of what they were. The words were something along the lines of “old realm caps of full is now the medium threshold for Classic”.

Poaching wasn’t an issue in Classic either, the few occasions it did happen ? the resulting damage to both player and guild reputations became quickly recognized as too costly. It’s not thunderfury dependent either, iv’e been on the receiving end of a poach attempt when BWL was fairly new, and I was only decked in full might with a quel serra.

Um, they arent being toxic guy. If anyone was being toxic it was you.

The people playing retail enjoy retail, they are allowed to. They dont want “classic” thrown in their face all day long in “their” environment.

Classic is constantly portrayed as the retail wow killer. Would you want that thrown in your face while you are playing retail? You know, the version of the game you prefer and like.

I cant stand retail, I havent played since day 2 of the last patch. But I am capable of putting myself in other peoples shoes and seeing that I would not like dealing with that if I was them.

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The realms don’t stop players from logging in at medium population… They stop at some point after full. probably around 12k-20k

Sorry Tinderbits, I just can’t understand where you’re pulling those figures from, nor the “8 times” bit you said either.