Toxic Community left unchecked

Ive been running tons of dungeons lately with no issues. Seems like you arent telling the whole truth here.

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Negative experiences leave a greater impression than positive ones.

The greater power of bad events over good ones is found in everyday events, major life events (e.g., trauma), close relationship outcomes, social network patterns, interpersonal interactions, and learning processes. Bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback have more impact than good ones, and bad information is processed more thoroughly than good.

The self is more motivated to avoid bad self-definitions than to pursue good ones. Bad impressions and bad stereotypes are quicker to form and more resistant to disconfirmation than good ones. Various explanations such as diagnosticity and salience help explain some findings, but the greater power of bad events is still found when such variables are controlled. Hardly any exceptions (indicating greater power of good) can be found. Taken together, these findings suggest that bad is stronger than good, as a general principle across a broad range of psychological phenomena.

Source: Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., & Vohs, K. D. (2001). Bad is stronger than good. Review of general psychology , 5 (4), 323-370.

I’ve had about 2-3 negative experiences in PUGs that I still recall to this day. Even if I had countless of indifferent/neutral or slightly positive runs, it doesn’t take away from the impact of the negative.

Don’t you love how he tries to make everything about him as usual. "T"roll doesnt know when to quite playing the victim card.


We rarely do in cases like this.

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No they ain’t lmao.

Rules enforcement alone wont fix much toxicity. Look at all the rules every big corporation has (aside from blizzard I’m not throwing shade at them here). None of it stops toxicity.

Toxicity stops with yourselves. And how you treat your friends. Get gud at being gud and halp ppl get gudder. You can never make people gud only spread the holy light and grace of a kind and loving soul. hth! <3

Wow is nothing more than the shadow of the shell of the game it used to be.

Sad really

maybe you’re the problem? people don’t want to deal with dumb people. you standing in stuff? you not doing mechs?..are you?..are you pulling a fast one on us?

hahahahaha never seen this at all. you’re making stuff up hahahaha.


You can’t kick someone for 3 minutes after an instance starts. So I’m going to guess that none of this happened.



Good luck to you! I hope you are able to get a satisfactory outcome.

I also started back up recently (just over 3 weeks ago), and my experience has been completely different! I’ve been surprised with how nice and friendly people are, and have even seen some socialization in dungeon groups while leveling; often finding out that others are also just coming back.

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WoW is extremely toxic - ever since there has been any sort of competitive focus, whether it be M+ rating, PvP rating, IO rating or whatever, people have been toxic and elitist. If you aren’t “on their level” then you are trash and should be kicked.

Personally, I won’t kick anyone out of a dungeon or raid unless they are AFK, or are a DPS who pulls for the tank (against the tank’s will). As a tank, I usually queue with my spouse as a healer and we let DPS like that die and run back, then kick. Accidents happen, but intentional pulling is reason enough to put them back in their 30 minute queue.

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One time I waited 49 minutes in queue for a time walking BC dungeon. (Late at night)

Thought maybe I could squeeze one dungeon that day.

It was the mushroom one.

Smooth run no issues.

We get to the part where everyone nose dives into the ocean.

I forget the layout and got lost in the water and tried to run around the room for about thirty seconds.

Group decides to speed run and insta kills next boss without me.


Didn’t have enough time to requeue and went off to bed.

If I was a new player, I wouldn’t have logged in ever again.

And people wonder why the game keeps dropping off. It’s a real mystery


You seem familiar. Were you kicked from a Motherlode leveling dungeon?

If yes I was the one who intiated that kick after trying to get a response out of you for over ten minutes.

I only vote to kick people who are trolling, toxic, or flat out do not bother to interact in a MMO where you are actively making the dungeon more difficult by not engaging with advice or direction.

Im not talking about low dps Im talking about “hey it is important when you get the arrow above your head you move to this specific location” and you stand there silent not moving with the mechanic 5 times in a row. This worgen warlock then proceeded to face pull not one, not two, not three, but FOUR extra packs of trash. I then provided direction of “hey you seem new make sure you follow me (square marker) where I go so you dont pull extra”. And radio silence met with more body pulls.

It may have been a different worgen warlock but they are few and far between.

There is something about new players and not reading and not replying to chat. Idk what it is.

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Sorry to say but you have me mistaken.
When you queue for randoms, there is a very good chance you will never see or interact with those players ever again.

I haven’t touched BfA dungeons since BfA.

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I was talking to OP. Not you. You are very clearly a blood elf warlock.

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Omg my bad lol
I thought the forum did the thing that deleted your quoted message if you reply directly underneath them. So I mistook your message oops

super super carebear dramatic
these are probably the same players that went off to games like FFXIV or GW2 and got their every social need catered to in the most delicate of ways and so their safe space bubble is what they equate the rest of their social life should be like

Unbeknownst to them that WoW is more a reflection of the REAL WORLD and not a safe space bubble. Factor in the level of competitiveness and “against the clock” gameplay, and you have a recipe for a very real esports like environment.

If IRL sports show us anything
it’s that things can get heated quick.

WoW isn’t for everyone. That’s the bottom line. Until esports and the timed dungeons called Mythic+ are removed, players will forever complain about “toxic players” who really just want to time their keys which requires having an optimal team.

I get your point, I do, but I also can’t help myself. I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing for an MMO to have a more sensible social aspect to it.

They should get rid of the vote kick features and just let ppl leave groups without penalty like in premades. I guess that would be the nicer option. And lead to ppl working it out or going so far out of their way to help someone for literally all of 30 seconds of chat or whatever.

The problem too is this game is played by many many people of different maturity levels. Sometimes you do run into good pugs for stuff like timewalking and sometimes you don’t. I think the vote kick feature encourages that to be the norm.

As for LFR raids - that is where vote kick is most useful and viable and helpful. — Although if a raid is bad, I wish I could just leave and requeue for that boss individually or whatever reason. Often times I give a raid like 30 mins to kill a boss than leave and requeue and redo the bosses anyway. That’s LFR
 dunno how to make that much better without too drasticly changing the game. For LFR we should make changes. For normal/heroic raids not.

Timewalking should be for fun, exp, not be in the same boat as other things too. It’s not like mythics or stuff like that. Can always make friends to timewalk with too. And blizz did add the group sync feature so people can join up and level down with their friends. I just don’t think enough people use it sadly. And the expectation is LFD, LFR is just going to be a terrible experience. New players should be warned that these game modes are kinda — just whatever — and that they should create or join a community for learning, more casual time walking and helping each other.

Or even better yet, some in game moderated communities for newbies to join - moderated by staff who can log in and kick toxic playres out of the community (not ban or suspend them from the game) just to help develop communities. I think I could do that as a job. Got to make a living and put food on the table so I can’t always do it for free and I don’t think it should replace players doing it for themselves when they can. Just for newbies to help grow the game.