Toxic Community left unchecked

New players get confused and immersed in the surroundings. They may not be paying attention to chat. I myself cannot play and type at the same time.

I wish they had some sort of canned text macro system you could set up to tell players about mechanics as you reach a boss. Something sorted by dungeon. Because Atal’Dazar. If I’m typing before the first boss somebody’s going to pull the boss some very wrong place because learning mechanics is a waste of time intended for lesser mortals.

I often wonder what made the community this bad in WoW. It literally wasn’t always like this.

What is it that Square Enix is doing that makes the FFXIV community this starkly different?

I still have the brain of a sprout, but so far the only two things I can directly quantify are the Player Commendation and the Sprout :seedling: systems.

Or is it a less tangible thing? That the publicity and PR around this company is so bad it just naturally breeds more toxicity?

I have no idea what it is.

So when there’s a troll in the group, the troll always wins? Sounds like a really bad system.

The win-at-all-costs esports mentality is a big part of it. “My main is a god and you’re wasting my time” is something I see in maybe 1 in 5 leveling dungeons.

There are two types of players:

  1. People who are accepting of the fact that other people play for different reasons and have different preferences;
  2. People who are convinced that everyone who does not play exactly like they do (or claim to) is playing the game wrong and should be forced to play the One True Way™.

The second type tends to cluster more in competitive situations. It is hardly unique to this game.

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Im not talking about typing and moving.

I was the tank so I stopped, turned around, emoted, talked in say, talking in party, talked in yell. Jumping around in front of them. Literally everything you can think of. And was met with a blank stare.

We had to stop the flow of the dungeon and pause for this player. It was not a mid combat giving instructions kind of thing.

probably a combination of factors like that. I don’t know what the commendation and sprout thing is. Either.

Anyway, Asherons call had some cool features like you could be a Lord and have underlings and there was some back and forth mutual benifits for both. I think systems like that help people want to team toghether and create friendships.

WoW is hyper focused on efficiency which is fun. It also kinda takes the soul out of player interaction as people than see helping others as time wasted if they don’t need to. Which ironically says more about the sad state of the spiritual wellness of the world than blizzard or players themselves.

I do believe the negativity around this game in the news has hurt the community a lot too. It’s also got people like you and me and the OP talking and thinking and trying to help or find better options. So it may not always be this way. :crossed_fingers:

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I have never been kicked from a dungeon. Not a single time.

I receive death threats daily when I deny people in dungeon ques. Don’t even get me started on what it’s like to tank 15’s and up in M+. If you aren’t doing a route someone used in an MDI run, you will hear about. I started tanking on my DK a couple months ago and I know realize why no one wants to tank anymore. It’s not worth the hassle most of the time. “Why aren’t you doing the Wo skip!!! REEEEEEEE!”. Runs in and pulls mobs I didn’t pull and dies “WHY DON"T YOU HOLD AGGRO!!!”. Those are tame examples.


In FF there’s two particular mechanics.

One is the Sprout System, it marks every new player with a sprout icon :seedling: which everyone can see based on their icon if they are a new player or a veteran. In FFXIV, this lets all the veteran players know that they should be more patient with the sprouts because they are still learning.

If one day Blizzard decides to do literally the exact same thing, the community at large will just weaponize it to antagonize the new players for being incompetent. So they need to be even more proactive with this type of thing.

The other is Player Commendations. It’s basically like clicking the like button on a Facebook post, only it’s clicking a like button on a player after a dungeon. It’s purely optional, it does not matter how many you accumulate.

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So i started a hunter.

In full heirlooms i was doing SIX TIMES the dps of everybody else. With two buttons.

The only time i heard any dps complaints was people apologizing for doing poor numbers vs my ridiculous hunter.

Im not saying you are making things up, this game is definitely full of unhealthy toxic people… but i am saying that isnt anywhere near my experience. I cant remember the last time i was kicked from a dungeon. Its not the norm imo, and im sorry that has been your experience.

Got vote kicked from a cooking brawl last night within 15 seconds of joining it so that was interedting. Though that could have just been a glitch.

That’s why i never tell people im new to the dungeon or raid in lfd and lfr, they get real nasty to people who don’t follow guides, clickers and anyone who doesn’t know mechanics right away. Its also why i never take my tank and healer alts anymore. Its not worth the harassment.

Low level hunters are way OP.

My level 10 priest got kicked from a dungeon last week. “You have been removed.” The only guy who died was one who ran up the mid into a pack of mobs and nobody could have saved him. Everybody else was getting healed. I can only guess that somebody got butthurt that she was doing more damage that all 3 dps combined.

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We do have something similar, however I don’t know if you have to opt into being a Guide for the Newcomer Channel to see baby murloc icons. I see them everywhere. I can’t remember if I saw them before I opted into this program.

You will not see them unless you are part of that program.


So that would suggest, if I am not mistaken, the differences between FFXIV and WoW communities exist based on how people are expected to progress.

There is a reason why you will get banned for announcing DPS meters during or after a fight in FFXIV, along with how the overall ethos of using add-ons differs from game to game.

In WoW, it’s the default expectation to read info on WoWhead, watch FatbossTV, and download DBM and Details.

Would banning these add-ons help toxicity? It very well might, but it will also simultaneously alienate the entire community.

So, the question then is, why is there such a reliance on these external resources? Is it really just eSports? Or is it something else?

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That’s awesome. I hope that the community wouldn’t weaponize it. It’s a legitimate fear though.

Would be nice for new players to be able to be buffered from the toxic ones though.

I don’t want to ban, censor, or push people out of the game.

Is FFXIV very pvp centeric? WoW was heavily pvp centric. — it’s a very different culture — i played on Rallos Zek and Sullon Zek in Everquest those where some very dark servers socially speaking. They also had some bright spots in the deep dark shadows. I can see it having a lingering effect on the scene. Not to say PvPers are bad or they shouldn’t be that way or that they are the reason stuff is toxic. It’s maybe certain streamers and certain people who like to create drama and angst though for fame and likes and popularity and ad revenue though that kind of created a wild western atmosphere.

I think, like I said those people deserve their spaces and communities. The abolishin of PvP servers may have hurt that community a lot too. The mindset is different. Just like the mindset of Salt Lake City Utah (in the 80s) was so drastically different than it was in Brooklyn or even New Orleans. There’s good and bad to be found in it. Staying on the positive side here because I am a long time reformed toxic troll and I do not want to see the community be toxic just because people are toxic. That never helps like I said way back earlier in the thread. Everyone needs an ecosystem they can grow in. That’s what we do when we play. We play for fun. And to socialize. And grow. And see stories. And to win. And wow is very competitive for many players. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Where as I feel like FFXIV may be more about the story and universe everyone loves… A lot of Final Fantasy stans out there who just love that universe more than anything. Same with wow people like the wow universe. I feel like with wow the universe is more a backdrop or setting than the reason for the world to exist though. Where as FFXIV is kinda the other way around — the setting and world existed — than they created a game there. WoW the game existed — based on tons of conflict and strategy — than the setting developed.

A lot of factors. A lot of food for thought. I would love to have a sprout or ‘plz be nice to me flag’ and we can choose better who to interact with and how to interact with them. Getting mass invited to guilds doesn’t always work out. For example. Some are like that and some take players under their wing. I’ve been in three really great guilds that sprout ppl up a bit. It’s just not that common to me tho. Most guilds there is very little interaction it’s just for the perks in this game…

whewww rammble off

thanks for giving me some stuff to think about and stream of concious about here

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Im not sure what a fat boss tv is. I do know that the esports nonsense made the already toxic elitism worse. Or maybe it was always this bad im not sure.

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Ya – i am actually very competitive with myself and really like these features and how wow plays i think it would kinda hurt wow bad to lose them it also does take the human elment, intuition and dehumanize characters to just a few stats and scores. Good communities exist, great players exist. Where these things aren’t a big deal within wow. It is just likely very hard for newbies to find them. Ones that don’t have the social skill meta down and haven’t been playing MMOs and muds and posting on forums for 40 years. Definately something to really consider.

I like hazelnutty she doesn’t look well tho :worried:

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Maaan, Area-52 breeds toxic players I swear. Haven’t met a nice one and or one that doesn’t have an opinion about something.

Is that a streamer? Sorry i dont recognize these names.

I havent seen anyone be kicked from a dungeon for no reason especially low lvl ones… usually the case is a person dcd or is afking at the entrance. Im not saying there is no toxicity in the game but i doubt your story