Toxic Community left unchecked

ye but the healer was straight up trolling in that case.


What bugs me the most is when people try to kick during the middle of combat. I always click no because i don’t want that damn box in the middle of my screen.

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yeah but how do they know who votes no. from what i remember, they were not affiliated

Cata Disc was Atonement as a passive, not a buff with a timer. Divine Aegis bubble procced off of crit heals, we had Prayer of Healing, too. And all damage done was epic and it was smart heals that went to who needed it, not willy nilly.

It was fantastically epic.


Interesting. Yeah i miss wrath unholy. Shadow of death passive, baseline gargoyle. Desecration ground effect, original army of the dead. So much flavor.

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Maybe they asked each other who voted yes or no and used process of elimination.

I miss Frost tanking! :sob:

It was the only time in my life that I tanked. And I loved it.

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I miss presences


they didnt. almost immediately after the healer got removed i got removed. no vote on me

mind you the group cycled between 2 different people since the start of it. 2 people quit new people got added over the duration

Maybe they didn’t like the look of your shoes? Iunno man, I wasn’t there.

I wish blizzard would rework their support system it’s horrible and barbaric compared to other MMO’s. They’re all worried about the boogie man bots so they refuse to tell us much details, however when it comes to actual harassment why is that hush hush? What about players scamming others? Non of it is customer sided it’s all blizzard sided.

Players keep getting punished for their poor support.

I’m choosing not to resub nor really pay attention in the coming expansions, I’ve dealt with racism/Homophobia/Guild stalking/Harassment/people spreading lies about me to ruin my image/sexism. And what am I told? Leave them on ignore, and if they choose to circulate that than they’ll actually do something. Pathetic.

FF14 squashes it before anything escalates and all the players on there are super nice and kind because they know if they act out of line they’ll get the boot. In wow you can get away with several offenses until a GM will take notice.

OP I understand where you’re coming from. Just the other day, I witnessed in trade chat some hurtful words towards someone who claimed they were transgender and was looking for a lgbt+ friendly guild. Let’s just say Blizzard is going to be very busy with removing a lot of the hateful people that responded to that. I do think Blizzard needs more moderation because it’s out of control and more needs to be done to reduce toxicity.

it sounds like wow isnt for you,

They literally are updating it in 9.2.5. But I don’t really see the point in getting upset that you’re told to use an in-game feature like /ignore to resolve an in-game issue. I have no idea what it takes for someone to get suspended or banned for harassment, but I doubt it would happen simply on someone’s say-so.

I have been kicked less than 5 times from dungeons in 13 years. How can you get kicked so much in 2 days.

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Some generalization here going on, not everyone you will encounter in the game will be toxic.

I’m not scoffing off as Toxic people do not exist, they do but because you see someone getting kicked randomly for no reason doesn’t mean the entire community is toxic

As for the gatekeeping groups thing, that has been around since Vanllia where someone would ask you to come to ironforge so he could inspect your gear before he could take you to his Onyxia group and it has evolved into gear score, it has evolved into item level, it has evolved into link achieve to enter and now we have Warcraft logs and raider io. if those two things were to be removed, someone will find a way to make something to evaluate player skill and this is not exclusive to WoW.

I see what you’re saying there. I don’t think it’s that elaborate, but players do refuse to invite people to groups based on their own criteria; and not necessarily whether they deem them adequate enough for the content they plan on running. That all started back in Wrath though, and it’s been in the game ever since.

Some people blame the dungeon finder for ruining the gaming experience, but around that same time, chat-use was limited to 2 messages every 2 minutes so we felt more boxed in & disconnected from others within the game; and gearscore and achievement hounding became the ethos for player recruitment into raids and heroic dungeons.

What OP is talking about is the “gearscore” mentality. I think OP is saying that players are being kicked from groups over petty things, vs actually overcoming whatever challenges they’re facing.

He’s not lying. I mean, he may be lying, but those situations exist within the game. I can’t get an invite into a +14 dungeon on my server (outside of my guild,) and I timed a +16 dungeon over a month ago. It may not exist on your server, but OP is telling the truth.

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Yeah if you’re net new without heirlooms, you won’t be able to tank or heal without being harassed at least once (Or stressed out your mind). I’ve done it several times since Shadowlands [without heirlooms] and I don’t know why I keep subjecting myself to the torture.

Last time I did it with an FF pal and they were stressed out for me. You can always level solo to avoid all the stress but man is dungeon leveling stupid fast.

Something tells me we’re not getting the entire story here.


This is about dungeon toxicity, not your personal agendas.