Torghast, Unceasing chain link anima

This anima is a large portion of our damage and it RELIABLY bugs out until we have 0, no matter how many stacks we get.


Bumping - I also noticed this happen in non twisted corridors Toghast run as well. Very hard to reliably identify when it occurs, unfortunately. I’ll keep an eye out though.


I had it disappear immediately after killing a set of mobs and then slice n dice 2 seconds afterwards. It leads me to believe there’s a limit on how many uses it gets
 Although I’m not certain if that’s the correlation.

Also bumping because it missed hotfixes


Bump Because I was losing stacks during a twisting corridors and that’s just awful.


Another daily reminder for Blizzard to finally fix this :slight_smile:


This is still a bug. I originally thought it was triggered by ascending floors but that’s not it. There’s some other interaction that is doing it, might be triggered when choosing another power or a specific power. Torghast is still doable (just completed TC layer 8 ), but it’s annoying because this power is a big one and it remains bugged after over a month and the launch of TC.


Still a bug, watched all three of my stacks fall off between floor six and eight on Twisting Corridors layer eight today. No repeats were offered, so by the time I hit the floor 12 boss my DPS was too low to do anything about him.

Last night it also killed me on the floor 18 end boss. All my evasion and heal couldn’t save me from unnatural power when my DPS dropped to under 30k after my unceasing chain stacks vanished.

Seriously Blizzard, at least acknowledge the problem. I just want to be able to solo Torghast like I was told I could.


Definitely still an issue, just happened to me. Had a 4 stack at one point, ended up with 0 stacks by the floor 18 boss.

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Still an issue, have lost the evisc dmg buff and chain link buff and probably countless others that I hadn’t been checking/tracking. wtf.

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Just did Layer 5 Twisting Corridors, lost chain link stacks one at a time probably 6-8 times, and there was a point where I went from 5 eviscerate buff powers straight to 0. Had an 800k evisc followed by a 400k on the next mob.

Seems really inconsistent when/if it gets removed, as I was checking it pretty religiously the whole time.

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I seem to lose powers left and Right as a Rogue - It is insane.

I just did Torghast Level 3 and on Floor 12 I had 69 Powers (70 after I killed the boss)

By the time my group finish floor 18 I had 68 powers.

6 additional floors to be DOWN 2 powers? Redic.

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Ran a layer 8 again this evening, all three chain links dropped within five minutes of me picking them up.

For two minutes though, I managed to have two of them stacked. I was a beast of shadowstrikes and shruiken storms that was happily tearing through mobs and having fun.

And then the first stack vanished, followed by the next one shortly thereafter, and I was left to slowly and sadly crawl my way through the rest of my floors before once again finding out that I didn’t have the damage to avoid ridiculously unbeatable stacks of unnatural power on the final boss.

Really feels bad to get a brief taste of Torghast not sucking as a rogue, only to know it’s going to disappear at any second, and definitely isn’t sticking around long enough to help you when you actually need it.


Same issue here Blizzard needs to fix this bug ASAP, its ruining Twisted Corridors for rogues right now. some complete BS.


Still bugged still dropping out. What the hell talked blizzard a month to fix a bug like this?

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can confirm still bugged. screwed me out of my layer 7 18th floor boss. got the slime that divides into more slimes and didn’t have the damage to even have a chance.


wait did it just started bugging for u when u did layer 7? or did u rlly played it like a chad and cleared up to layer 7 with the bug through layer 1-6?

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Its still doable to clear all twisting corridors layers solo, you just heavily rely on spamming shadow step and vial to have perma evasion/cloak up. Most of the Time you wont be able to one shot things on later floors, like Most of the other classes, all you can do is focus on survival and zerg down stuff.

^ i managed to Solo clear tc but its beyond annoying when i see how other classes mindlessly rush through it


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Yes, it bugs before layer 7. I noticed it on Layer 2 but just shrugged and kept going. It gets really time consuming at later layers though. You’re pretty much reliant on the adrenaline rush + vendetta + shadow blades anima power without this. It happens in normal torghast as well. Really a shame because I was really enjoying the fun builds you could make, but you’re sort of pidgeon holed into a choice that isn’t one that just fades away after a couple of floors.

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Yeah, nothing says this feels fair like watching other classes become god for the final floors while you’re stuck spamming crimson vial and shadowstep to create a long enough evasion window to avoid being oneshotted by trash mobs in the time it takes to build the full eviscerates combo or two or three you need to take out them out.

It’s a great reward for two hours of collecting powers when you have to slowly and tediously cut your way through floor 16 and 17 the trash one at a time because you lost half your damage on an earlier floor.

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u cant even clear every trash pack LOL theres like a few packs that jsut have 2 elites with 500k hp each with 3 other adds with 100k hp and whats worse u cant always skip em cause it might be in a tight hallway