Running sub I don’t mind using sap, blind, evasion window, happy shadow blade burst, and vanish to slowly untangle those packs on the first few floors, but I get pretty cranky when 2 hours and 75+ powers in, I’m still having to use the same technique to deal with them, with the bonus of they take just as long to kill because they have more hps and if I miss a second of evasion or accidentally break the wrong cc it’s a one-shot death.
And then it’s back to slowly picking off trash one by one until shadow blade comes off cooldown and I can tackle the next elite without a long slog fest.
Like just once, I’d like to know what it’s like to instant murder something but I can’t even one-shot mawrats most of my runs…
Nah I got them throughout 1-6 (think it should’ve been 450%, it dropped down to 0% by the time I was layer 7).
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idk how tf u did it cause without that buff i was only able to do 20k dps on layer 1 and boss had 2.95m hp on solo and i just cant even get him to half hp and i could only do around 1.2-1.5m dmg before dying eventually
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This continues to be a frequent issue, especially in the new Twisting Corridors. It’s not like a random bug, I now rely on having to purchase unceasing chains 6-8 times through a full run because it will dwindle down over 2-3 floors regardless of my rotation.
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Had to get a guild mate help me through layer one of Twisting Corridors because I kept losing this very important ability for rogue damage, not even going to bother to try higher layers until this is fixed.
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This can be fixed any day now Blizzard. talk about wasting peoples time. Got to floor 18 just to discover I can’t kill the boss due to my only real damage disappearing.
This bug is crippling my TC attempts.
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Still Bugged, failed a TC run due to lack of damage because I keep losing stacks of one of my best powers.
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Issue also happening with Shadowlanced Armaments
I am a Venthyr sub rogue and half the time my flagellation buff that makes it 1% per stack also disappears. It sucks because I actually enjoy playing a rogue in TC but half the time i have zero anima powers because they keep disappearing. Doesn’t happen on any other class by the way. Incredibly annoying and makes it nearly unplayable.
Full clear every single mob even if you have the anime detector. You’ll hamper yourself stealthing through mobs. Beyond that it’s luck in getting the anima powers and playing your class well.
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so has any1 have had this bug fixed yet ? im too lazy to spend like an hour testing twisting corridors if it works or not
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As if now this is still bugged. Doing layer 7 of Twisting Corridors my first power choice was between Unceasing Chain Link or Shadow-laced Armaments, I picked Unceasing Chain Link. I finished the floor with the Unceasing Chain Link buff active, having killed the empowered enemy at the end with an eviscerate. Upon entering floor 2, both the buff and the power itself disappeared.
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Same as everybody else here. I wasn’t really paying attention to the powers till I noticed my shadow strikes all of a sudden sucking. Look at powers and I went from 3 stacks to 1. I got another stack in the next floor, then that one disappeared. Luckily right before the last boss of a layer 2 TC I was able to get 2 stacks, although I feel like I lost 1 during the fight. I agree with everybody saying it feels like Blizzard is intentionally screwing Rogues over this expansion. Somebody over there really got butt hurt by one I imagine and now we all get to pay the price.
Over a month of waiting for a fix, definitely shows where us rogues sit on the priority list…
I have the same problem. It’s extremely irritating to have 3 of them and adopt a playstyle centered around it, and notice further in that the alternating of builder -> spender -> buffed builder playstyle wasn’t nearly as powerful as before, and looking to find out that I no longer have 3 of them, I now have 0 of them. I thought something was purging them, but on examination, its just the game engine purging them from me.
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Could we at least get a Blue response to let us know this is being looked at? its incredibly frustrating.
Attempted another TC run, but failed at the last boss unfortunately. I have noticed it’s multiple anima powers, not just Unceasing chain link. It’s not related to breaking the phantasm pots as earlier posts may have indicated. I went through two floors without touching one and still lost one of the chain links.
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Full clearing or not doesn’t change anything. The only thing it changes is you might get more phantasma and get lucky and be able to buy powers you lost. Or if you don’t full clear you might speed through the floors before they magically disappear. I’ve done the same DPS on the Floor 6 and Floor 12 boss two attempts in a row on Layer 7 and refuse to even try anymore until it’s fixed because it’s unplayable without godly luck (whether that be the anima powers being purchasable or just not disappearing in the first place)
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