Torghast, Unceasing chain link anima

Fix this already!!! Rogues have it hard enough already in torghast. Not being able to keep one of out strongest powers is beyond annoying. Maybe get ur priorities right and stop looking for where we get too much loot, and Start fixing actual issues.


Iā€™m going to test and document this more effectively with my next TC -attempt- but Iā€™d like to bring some frightening news to everyoneā€™s attention.

Iā€™ve found unceasing chain link to be the most egregious offender of missing anima powers but by far not the only plagued by this bug. Sadly I wasnā€™t taking screen shots but will be next run but by my account I lost over 10 powers total from my TC run.

Organized vials x1
Silent footpads x1
Leather apron x2
Unseen poison x2
Unceasing chainlink x3-4?

Itā€™s completely build destroying. The largest part of the issues Iā€™ve found is that once the power is stolen it will no longer offer it. I had gotten to x2 chainlink multiple times, checking at the start of every floor to find it almost -always- fell off. Once I hit 3 stacks, it eventually robbed me of both and the vendor and anima cells stopped offering it.

Iā€™ve taken note that it seems to only effect uncommon and common rogue powers. I have never lost a rare, epic or generic power. My rare spawn powers and covenant powers seem to be safe too. I ran with a druid friend who by the end had over 80 powers. I hardly had 65. Taking into account the 5 more ā€œ10 soulsā€ powers I got that still leaves 10 powers unaccounted for.

Please blizzard, address this. I understand finding what officially bugs the powers and fixing it is difficult and takes time but this has been happening since day 1 with no blue post response at all. 6 layers meant there wasnā€™t as much time to lose your powers maybe 1 or 2 but with 18 itā€™s almost certain it will take the things you need most, the things made common and uncommon so you can find them often and buy them. It makes something I looked forward to all expansion doing relatively impossible and incredibly frustrating/disheartening.

If this is layer 1 of 8 I canā€™t see myself doing even up to level 6 with all mythic gear.


Iā€™ve personally only noticed this happening with Unceasing Chain Link, but I do note that when talking with friends about the amount of Anima Powers they finish a Twisting Corridors run with my count is usually lower than their by a margin that wouldnā€™t be explained by just the one power being removed at random.

This really needs to be looked into, because I first noticed this problem back during the beta months ago.

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yeah i already tried layer one twisting corridors FIVE TIMES and ALL FIVE TIMES bugged for me and i only did 20k dps on the last boss with the anima power bugging outā€¦ i wasted over 10 hours doing this stupid layer cause of this bug

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Again no mentioning of this in the recent hotfixes - Daily reminder for blizzard to look into this - at least a bow now sheathes correctly hurray!

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yup, have had it happen multiple times with anywhere from 1-4 stacks of the buff. please fix

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Still happening, kinda screws you over on higher layers.
We as rogue already have a hard time doing it, and on top of that losing Anima Powers is just a slap in the face.


Update, I lost one to every Floor boss but one, I had immunity for that Floor boss that I did not lose the Anima Power.

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Had 4 stacks of this all the way to floor 14. By time i got to floor 14 i went from 4 stacks to 1. literally made me unable to finish the run and wasted all of my time


Tagging in to bump this as well. Unsure if itā€™s due to limitations in the power UI (as the list grows too long to view sometimes, default UI) or what. Super annoying for sure. Iā€™m still holding good damage between other powers but this will be problematic later on, especially if additional powers are also being lost (I know I lost like a 6 stack of versatility but according to my char sheet it looked like it was still there so idk). Chain link was definitely disappearing though as the buff it provides updates real time and eventually stops appearing at all.


This post was made a month ago, what do we have to do to have this fixed? knock on blizzardā€™s door and ask for the fix?
Itā€™s almost impossible to finish Layer 8 on Twisting Corridor without this Anima Power.


Iā€™m having same issue as all my fellow rogues aboveā€¦ This really didnt become a major problem to me until I started reaching higher floors and especially in TCā€¦

Rogues donā€™t have a good time with Torghast as it is and this disappearing as well as other powers disappearing makes this REALLY ANNOYING. Please fix this. It has been over a month and iā€™m being gimped because I cannot reliably even pick powers knowing itā€™s just gonna disappear later on.

Also with Riful ^ I cannot complete layer 8 of TC because the Dev team has neglected this for a month.


Add Shadowlaced Armaments to your list as well.

I complied my own list and lost basically the same things. The Unceasing Chainlink and Armaments happened more often it seemed.


After doing some more runs, it doesnā€™t just remove the additional stacks of unceasing chains, it can also remove the sole stack of it as well. Iā€™d only picked up the one node, undner the assumption that additional would bug out anyways, and after a floor or two, noticed that it was gone as wellā€¦

Pretty frustrating when itā€™s quite important for sub rogue damage.


Having the exact same issue. Would be nice if we could get this fixed, itā€™s only been a month. Itā€™s nearly gamebreaking for rogues in Twisting Corridors.


They dont care. They have our money.


This explains so much, Iā€™ve been spamming Torghast on auto pilot and just thought I was losing my mind about how much of each power I had.


Daily reminder to Fix this :slightly_smiling_face:


yeah u cant do anything to fix this, just wait till they finally fixes thisā€¦ i dont recommend trying things to fix this for example i tried to scan and repair in the bnet app but it doesnt even work cause its been almost a day since i scanned and repaired and now its on a infinite loop of loading so i cant even play and i cant fix it.


Sometimes I feel like someone at Blizzard got a Problem with Rogues since BfA ended. Only Spec to be hardcore nerfed in PvP, heavily gutted in PvE during Beta and never came back, possibly the worst class to do Torghast (even without those Bugs).