Torghast, Tower of the Damned Timer 🕛

I love that people are not understanding what Blizz is doing but still want to complain cause of something they saw earlier even if the two are nothing alike lol.

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It’s fine that they put in a timer, real or perceived. It’s their game. It’s also fine that I won’t be running Torghast because of that decision.

No legendaries for you than.

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Blizz says they do not want to make Torghast to be a timed thing: They add soft enrage timer. Yeah makes no sense


Welp, there goes all my hope for this expansion being good.


I would like to submit my feedback from this post.

I hope of instead of adding ways discourage behaviour via timers. Just add a way of reducing globals like bloodlust in game via through items, armor, anima powers, anima vendors, buffs etc. That way they can go along with the fun instead of making everyone worried. Perhaps taking a look at what single player games do in these situations such as limit blood lusts per floor. Or per death and adding items that make it more fun.

I plan to be doing Torghast in single player mode so I feel like the group mentality sort of harms the single player mode and vice versa. Perhaps add perks to both modes like the buffs in Visions. I have seen glimpses of the testing.

This reflects in a logical way how we feel about timers. The need to get up from your computer and address an emergency is not something that can be always fit into a rest area.

Also he brings to light that people can still wait on cooldown timers by simply CCing mobs and staying in combat.

I feel the solution is probably to nerf the cooldowns so they are not as powerful and let the anima powers become the main power source. Then just make the mobs slightly harder to compensate for the lack of a timer. Each floor has a miniboss guarding the exit, allow him to be the power check.
If you need to use hero on everything that final mini boss should be tuned up to widdle down your lives and cap you from any further floors.

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Raiders make sure anything of those above mentioned are check off the list

When guilds say they start raiding at 6:30 pm, it means they aren’t pulling till 7 pm for people to prepare themselves

So just like you refuse to do mythic+, don’t do Torghast then

Problem solved

And if you’re really wanting to get the goodies from Torghast, you’ll eventually do it

Not blizzards fault you can’t handle a timer

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"We agree that one of the best things about Torghast is that you can play at your own pace, without feeling rushed. We certainly don’t want to make Torghast into a fast-paced, timed game mode. We have instead added Torments, which are designed to provide some additional texture for players at high levels, and to solve a problem that arises when extremely difficult content meets our often cooldown-based class design.

Here’s what Torments should do.

Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull – unless there’s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: that’s not fun to play, but it’s the right way to play if you want to win.

Torments should apply just enough pressure that this group can still kill every single creature on the floor (which takes a while, since these enemies have lots of HP), while still being careful, using crowd control, taking a few seconds to rest or strategize between pulls, and even then, maybe sometimes waiting just a little longer for a cooldown before engaging. If that is the most efficient way to play Torghast, then we’ve hit our mark exactly. If that perfectly efficient group has to skip big portions of a floor because Torment debuffs are getting too out of hand, we have a problem.

Here’s what Torments shouldn’t do.

  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.
  • Prevent you from taking a break when you need one.
  • Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether.

How can testers help us tune it?

Playtest Torghast, and let us know how it feels. We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience.

If something feels bad, let us know why.

  • Did you feel rushed when you didn’t want to? Was that pressure because of actual game difficulty, or was it simply the presence of the Torment itself?
  • Were you unable to defeat a level because of Torments, even though you were playing at a normal pace?
  • Did you want to take a break mid-run but felt like you couldn’t?
  • Do you feel like Torments are appropriate, but should be introduced at a higher level than they currently are (12)?
  • Alternately, did a particular Torment feel underwhelming? Do you still feel like you can wait 10 minutes between every single pull without threat of being overwhelmed?

There are several different Torments in the current Alpha. Some affect spawning and environment, and others affect your character directly. Some increase over time, and others remain at a fixed difficulty.

  • How do they feel in comparison to one another?
  • Does a particular Torment feel more punishing or unfun than the others?

We’ve seen some emotional response to this change, which we take to mean that you care about Torghast being fun. We do too.

Please keep up the productive discussions, and we’ll keep listening."
-Kaivax, Community Manager


See you are the reason people hate gamers. People want to play games but can’t prevent life from happening. You CAN’T stop people coming to the door. You CAN’T stop your kid needing something, and if you try to prioritize WoW over your kid, you need your child taken away…


All about that ad revenue you enjoying the game means nothing its going to stay.
Esport teams are nothing more than billboards of the generation.
If the NFL or MBL or any league could cover players in ads they would.

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Never did I say WoW or nothing, that’s coming from you without anything

Read what I said again

If you raid at the evening, clearly you’re making sure IRL tasks are being done

Who the fel is going to ring your door 8pm at night?

And if you do have a said kid, then don’t raid in the early evening, put your kids to sleep, now the rest of the night is your time, find a late night raiding guild who pulls at 11pm

If extreme dires such as house on fire you have all rights to abandon at any time

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If your the type of people these timers encourage and make on a every day basis then…I think the point’s been made.

(drops mic, walks away)


What? That actual players will do Torghast even if the timer is trivial?

Yes I’m glad you pointed that out

Friends and loved ones showing up to visit, since that is what loved ones do?

You don’t have kids. Very apparent. Kids do not go to bed right on a specific time, and more than half the time get up anyways. You can’t just say “go to sleep” and its a power switch hit.

It boils down to “life happens” and WoW should not have timers in stuff that penalizes people for that. Raids, can take breaks. Raids stop at bosses, etc. Most games have pauses. Torghast, once you start you are basically on that penalizer timer, meaning if ANYTHING in life happens in that window of time you are screwed in game, all because blizz wants to worry about the very very few lunatics that want to pause for 10-20 minutes between pulls for BLOODLUST windows? Yeah that is just a made up issue for them to be punitive for no reason aside from Ion is a spreadsheet loving dev that doesn’t understand human emotion in games. He is WoWs Zuckerberg…


I keep seeing people mention the whole “what if an emergency happens and I need to go afk” thing… well yeah… that sucks… but good gods what kinda lives are y’all living where you have super urgent things coming up on such a regular basis that you can’t even sit down for 15-20 minutes at a time without needing to suddenly drop everything and run.
and if you ARE getting interrupted that frequently on a regular basis… maybe don’t do content that requires your attention for long periods of time. or wait till you have a bit more time before diving in.

now sure, life can be unpredictable, and yeah that sucks. if an emergency happens during a raid boss should you be able to press a “pause” button on it or something?

yeah if something super urgent comes up, you may loose a run, that sucks, sorry about that, but thats how emergencies work sometimes. for everything else, but you can’t expect every aspect of an mmo to be balanced around every possible unexpected thing that could pop up in your life in every single game mode.


I would also like a pause button especially when soloing.


Friends and love ones show up at the Middle of the night?

Every time I have IRL loved ones come over, they let me know in advance, it’s rude for them to show up without a call, so that way I can provide all necessarily things because they are my guests

If they want to come over to BBQ, then I will not plan a raid that day and do IRL stuff for family

You’re given the kids a schedule to be asleep at a certain time, I still remember my days as a kid where I am supposed to be going to bed around 9pm for school tomorrow, unless it’s projects for school and needed time to make said project to turn in. Not putting them on a schedule is wrong too

Yeah that’s called single player games, if you want a pause button then don’t play MMOs

What should take the place instead of the soft timer then to make it so you eventually hit a point where you cannot take your sweet time? There are already going to be safe spaces where you can rest and not have to worry.