Torghast Not loading

Well, I started my alt and I got stuck in the loading screen hell just moving zones…

Indeed but they could’ve at least said they are looking into it. All the threads are just getting locked with no response, rhyme or reason.

Same. Bumping this up. Someone needs to tweet at blizzard.

Same here, ugh

yeah tried starting an alt got stuck just going through the gate to start the intro. The game is just down.

Same problem. I tried going into torghast to continue my covenant campaign, was stuck on the load screen and then it showed my character/ui for split second then was back to the loading screen and just continued in this loop. I force closed the game then got hit with “world server down” kept trying and eventually got back in but then it sent be back into the loading screen loop without even trying to go into torghast. I’m going to try the selfe service unstuck tool through the website but yeah this annoying lol. I guess I’m not doing torghast today.

ETA: lol the self service unstuck option is broken too right now. :upside_down_face: I guess I’ll level an alt sooner than I thought.

What’s even better - the same thing happened to me so I thought - hey, I’ll level an alt while Blizz works on a fix.

Jump on my hunter, go to org and click on the deathgate to head to ICC to start the quest…the deathgate is bugged too! Won’t load and ‘aborts instance’ spitting you back into org.

So you can’t retrieve the character you’re progressing on…and you can’t start progressing on any alts into SL.


SAME ISSUE. If I can’t play I won’t pay.

BUMP! BUMP! BUMP!..I need to Free Will…err Baine!

Same problem here pls blizzz! do it something!

Lol I see what you did there XD

Same to me…

Trying to do the Baine quest and stuck in the infinite load loop. GG Blizzard. Delayed release by a month and crap is still broken that was reported in beta.

Yeah apparently they’re having issues with the servers right now

Stuck in the same loop.
Please blizz

Having the same issue. Tried to take the portal to complete the quest and it is not loading. My toon is also suck in a 0% loading screen.

Already happened, apparently other servers are down. They broke the game with this maintenance release lol

same here, guess im not the only one facing this problem … come on blizz

Ah yes the infinite load screen loop. I rebooted the game and i got pulled right backinto the never ending loop of torture. Is this my life now?

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Blizzard Halp!
I’m never logging out in there again.